Chapter 90 - Reception

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The wedding flowed into the reception party very smoothly. It was twilight already and the lights decorating the trees around the house glimmered beautifully. Having the wedding ceremony during the late afternoon allowed all vampires to be outside without fearing being seen under the sun, which was very well thought out by Alice.

For someone who dreaded the wedding ceremony as it would bring all eyes on me, I found myself adapting very well. I had to say that the decoration orchestrated by Alice, Rosalie and Esme along with the gorgeous cake they had ordered, had captured everyone's attention.

Round tables were artfully decorated around the room, and Edward, my parents along with his were sitting around the central one while the rest of the guests were sitting according to the table placement thought out by the Cullens so that vampires, werewolves and humans were dispersed in a way none of them would feel uncomfortable.

Ever since being pronounced as husband and wife, I had not left Edward's side, neither had he left mine. Even while being seated, I found myself unconsciously leaning half of my body against his while his right arm remained wrapped around my waist. Our left hands played with each other's fingers, occasionally stroking each other's wedding ring.

I watched Emmett and Jasper walk up to the mike on the platform where three hired musicians played a melody in pianissimo.

Emmett cleared his throat, bringing all attention on him and Jasper, with a glass of champagne in his hand that he was not supposed to drink from as he was supposed to be underage, and probably won't drink even to keep a good figure in front of our human guests, as the taste was not to any vampires liking.

Jasper, didn't even try and stood behind the mike as well, hands empty.

"Please, don't embarass us." I pleaded in a whisper they could hear from miles away.

And yet, the mischievous eyes that looked back at Edward and I, made me understand really quickly that my wish had very little chances to be taken into account.

I squeezed Edward's hand in anticipation while he laughed softly when Jasper started. "Aiyanna, Edward, congratulations ! It is an honor to have you join our family, Aiyanna. We're thrilled to have you as one of our own."

I found myself relax while listening to Jasper and I wasn't sure if it was because he was using his gift on me or if it was because his speech wasn't as bad as I thought.

I lightly nodded to thank him, but a smirk appeared on his face as he stepped aside when Emmett chimed in with a large grin on his face.

"Edward, we've got to give you credit for finally sealing the deal. It took you what...a century ? I guess good things really do come to those who wait...and wait...and wait..." Emmett started.

It was almost as if Emmett forgot that Edward was supposed to be eighteen to most of our guests' eyes and that it was an early age for someone to get married. To me, it only seemed as though Emmett was taking a risk but thankfully, most of those around us who couldn't understand the real meaning behind his words, only took it as a joke.

Emmett's eyes then moved to mine, his arm raising his glass of champagne. "I'd like to propose a toast to our new sister. Aiyanna, we all know sleeping is a part of you. I hope you've gotten enough sleep into your system for the past eighteen years though, cause you won't be getting anymore for a while. I cannot wait to hear all of your honeymoon stories."

My mouth fell open in embarassment. In the corner of my eyes, I could see my mother patting my father's shoulder while he adjusted himself on his seat and emptied his glass of champagne.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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