Sabotaging The Show

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Tari and Smg4 decided to go for a walk in the city to clear their minds from all the pressure. Tari had to cover herself with a hat and sunglasses so no one would recognize her. " I was just thinking, if you don't like being a model, you could always quit." Tari instantly shook her head and told him "I could never do such a thing! Melony would be so disappointed!

Four started to say "But Melony said-" before Mario poked out and slowly shook his head no while he stuck a plate of spaghetti in his mouth. He groaned while Tari continued. "If only all these people didn't like me so much, Susan wouldn't want to work with me anymore and she would find someone else."

Four sighed and agreed with her. "I guess you're right..." An idea popped into his head as he's started repeating "You're right. You're right you're right you're right!" He began jumping around until he accidentally knocked Tari's disguise off and a crowd rushed up, knocking Four off his feet.

Back at the castle, Mario was sitting on the ground while Four explained "On her own, Tari could never do something unattractive, but if I use my meme power to make her do something unattractive at her next event, nobody will want to watch her again. And if Tari is no longer a big celebrity, Melony won't be jealous anymore and I won't have to keep their secrets!" It was the perfect plan. Just as long as no one was told about it.

Four stared into Mario's eyes and directly told him "You can't tell anyone about it. Promise me Mario." He nodded and made some weird movements through the air. Four blinked of confusion. "So you do promise or no?" Mario said "Of course! That's why Mario locked his mouth with a key, buried it in a hole, and built a house on top of the key!"

"Obviously..." Four grumbled as he rolled his eyes.

It was another night where Tari had a big show ahead of her. She had managed to get Four a backstage pass so they could execute their flawless plan. A big crowd had gathered to watch their favorite blue haired girl, unaware of what was going to happen. "You really think this will work?" Four assured her "They love you for being you so all I have to do is make you not be you. Just leave it to me." Tari wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that, but was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

The lights came on as Tari walked up onto stage to be met with instant cheers from the crowd. An unexpected turn came when Melony had entered the audience, deciding to make an appearance to see how exactly Tari did it. Once the spotlight came on, Tari signaled to Four, who began using his power. A blue light encircled her as she suddenly tripped and sudden gasps were coming from the audience. She felt a force dragging her all over the stage while she felt completely flustered.

Melony watched as the crowd started to make disgusted faces and she couldn't stand it. The crowd began booing and yelling for her to get off the stage. Susan watched their reactions and realized she had made a terrible mistake. Four happily watched from behind the curtain, quite pleased that the plan had worked out just as he hoped.

That all went down the drain when someone started clapping and yelling "Bravo!" The audience was confused on who could possibly like this horrid display. They saw a girl in green hair and a adorable hoodie, cheering for the performance. "Hey, isn't that the sleeping girl from Smg4?" They noticed it was and figured if she loved Tari, they should too. Soon the entire crowd was applauding. Four was shocked while Tari sighed in defeat.

Guess the famous gamer gig was going to stay in motion after all...

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