Western Showdown

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Mario had gathered everyone to a poorly built state in the middle of town. His friends, the westerners, and the bandits all were confused. Boopkins was wearing a fedora on his head and began playing the piano. He gave Mario a nod that everything was ready and everyone saw the Italian wearing some kind of rodeo get up.

"We may be divided, but Mario begs you all to remember that we're all the same at the end of the dayyyyyy"

Shroomy and Swag shared a confused glance while the crew all looked like they were shocked and wanted to punch Mario all in one.

He started running around the stage, singing "No matter what's the issue and wherever you came to please"

He went up to Whimpu and sang to him in a drama like fashion "All this fighting gives you nothing but starvation and hobo disease!"

"Arguing's not the way. Hey come play with Mario in the shiny bright day! So what do you say?"

He began doing that Russian kick dance while singing in his Italian accent "You got to share! You got to care! Mario says it's the right thing to do. You got to share! You got to care! And they'll always be a way through!"

He pulled out spaghetti plates and stuck them in Swag and Shroomy's mouths. "Both your diets that Mario mentions are completely spagettitarian! If you disagree, Mario will cut off your throats!"

"You got to share! You got to care! Mario says it's the right thing to do. And they'll always be a way throoouugghhhh!"

Everyone, except Boopkins, was completely speechless. The fish clapped of encouragement while cheering "That was great Mario!" Four facepalmed himself. He should have known that Mario's idea would have been a dumb one.

Shroomy and Swag both gave approving looks. "It seems that the sheriff and I have come to an agreement."


Everyone looked in suspense to see what the agreement was. Is the feud finally over? "That was the worst performance we have ever seen."

"LOL IT SUCKED!" Disappointment came across the crew's faces. "Mario was sure that would work." Shroomy couldn't take this anymore so he shot to sheriff Swag "It's time to settle this. We will leave at high noon tomorrow and if your potato field is still there, we will run it and your town INTO THE GROUND!"

Gasps of shock and distress entered the crowd as Swag yelled back "BRING IT ON SUCKY MUSHROOM! WE'LL TRAMPLE YOU FIRST!"

"What Swag!?" Chris was unprepared for his idiot partner's wage of a western showdown. "But Sheriff-" Wren tried to stop him, but it was too late as each leader and their affiliates ran back to their homes, leaving him and the crew behind.

"That wasn't Mario's message at all..."

"Nice going Mario. Now they're gonna fight because of your stupid song!" Three shot back.

~The Next Day~

The Western folks furiously boarded up their houses and loaded ammo into their guns. This was going to be brutal. Meggy sighed and said "I wanted these people to have what they needed to live, but this is going overboard and I don't like it.

Four tried to cheer her up by saying "We just have to talk to them before somebody gets hurt." He went up to two townsfolk and asked them "Listen, if you would just reconsider-" They rudely slammed their window shutters before Four could even finish his sentence.

Melony tried it as well, asking someone else "About this field, you could just-" and she got off as well with the rude slam of a door. The field wasn't doing any better as the folks were pulling out as many potatoes as they could to use in this fight with no signs of stopping. Four rushed up to one and asked again "Could we just take a moment to-"

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