Tari The Ultimate Gamer

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Further up the path, Boopkins was still trying to convince Bob on finding out all their friends origin stories, but Bob just wanted something cool to do. Someone stepped out in front of them, causing each other to trip over another in front of the blue haired girl. Tari was walking with Quackington and some baby ducklings. "Boopkins! Bob!" She quickly guided the ducks to the other side of the road and then helped them get up. "You should be more careful. Someone could get hurt."

Curiosity got the best of her as she asked "Why were you in such a rush anyway?" Boopkins told her "We were just heading over to the castle when we ran into Meggy and she told us how she became a Splatfest champion!" Tari's interest was quite peaked when Boopkins said that. "Oh. That will be interesting. Y'know...I never would have met you guys without my interest of video games."

"Oh yeah..." Boopkins certainly recalled Tari's first appearance from back in 2019.

~5 years ago~

Side note: This is not to be confused with the Meta Runner backstory from the Glitch Channel. Tari does not really have an origin story in the Smg4 universe so I will be using her first appearance instead.

Mario had gone to the mall after being beaten by Smg4 for the 20th time in a row. He swore to train until his arms fell off, but instead it turns out he was just eating ice cream on a bench. He then heard some cheering from a store called "Game and Stuff." Mario wondered if maybe this could help him and went inside to go check it out. Inside was a bunch of Goombas, Koopas, and Moles that were intrigued by someone. Mario tried to peek over, but couldn't manage to see what all the commotion was about.

Mario jumped up onto a trashcan so he could see behind the crowd. A voice from the game announced "SUPER SMASH EACH OTHER IN THE *** BROTHERS!" Mario raised a eyebrow in alert  that it was the same game that he and Smg4 had been playing earlier. He then saw a familiar face. "Hey Boopkins!" The fish waved back "Hi Mario!"

"Why are there so many people here?" Boopkins quickly knew the answer to that question. "Oh. Bob challenged that blue-haired girl to Super Smash each other in the *** Bros! Apparently, she's one of the best in the world at this game!" Bob turned towards them and said "A GIRL GAMER? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH. GIRLS ARE STUPID LOL! LEAVE VIDEO GAMES TO MANLY MEN LIKE ME!"

The girl scowled at Bob and smiled confidently, knowing well that she was going to whoop his butt at this and teach this sucker a lesson. As the game counted down from three, Mario leaned in closer with a "Let's-a-go!" Bob struck "TIME TO SMASH!" Tari looked at the screen with a worried look, but then the round had started.

"YOU WILL NEVER BEAT DR. EGGMAN! DR. EGGMAN IS THE ****!" Just when Bob said that, Tari's Yoshi began kicking and punching his character, giving her an early lead. "WHAT THE ****! HOW DID SHE DO THAT!?" Tari had on a competitive face while giggling to herself. Before Bob knew it, the round was over and Tari had won. The audience erupted into thunderous applause as the girl turned around and sheepishly said "Oh...thanks guys..." Mario and Boopkins watched as the mysterious girl walked off, humming to herself.

Bob was being his usual sore loser self as he began yelling out for this person. "HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING!? I WAS JUST GOING EASY ON YOU THAT TIME! I WANT A REMATCH! I WILL CALL UP MY FATHER SAKURAI AND TELL HIM TO BAN YOU FOR HACKING!" Mario decided to go off and find this strange girl. Maybe she could teach him how to be good at games like she was.

He went outside the store and found the girl walking off. "Hey stinky! Wait!" Mario appeared behind a column in front of her and said "How you doin?" The girl screamed in surprise and put her arms up in case this man tried to attack her. Mario was actually trying to be friendly, sort of. "Hello blue smurf lady! Mario wants to ask you a question!" The girl turned out to be the shy type as she tried to avoid eye contact and said "Uh...no..sorry."

She walked off in the other direction, but Mario wouldn't give up. She bumped into a vending machine, startling her a bit, but what startled her even more was Mario's head coming out of it and asking "'Scuse-a me?" It made her jump straight into another dispenser which dropped a bag of chips.

"Oh hey! Free chips! :D" Mario jumped up in front of her again and asked "Hey! You're good at games! What's your name?" She hid behind a bag of chips and squeaked out "Uh...T-Thanks. My name's...Tari."

"Well Tari...Can you teach Mario how to not suck at video games...?" She eyed him from the side and tried to be modest. "I'm...I'm not that good. I just play for a living." Mario didn't get the hint as he just thought Tari had a sense of humor. "Ooooo, very funny joke."

He certainly saw Tari's mad skills and was super impressed. "I saw you smash Bob's butt! He didn't stand a chance!" Bob walked by and overheard the passing conversation. "SUCK A ****" He yelled out in anger. Mario pleaded "Please teach Mario! I need to beat my friend and feel accomplishment in my life!" She looked at the puppy eyes of Mario and thought for a second. A part of her just told her to ignore this man and just walk away, but some force was steering her towards the opposite direction. Some...energy. After a few seconds she said "Uh...okay. I'll try..."

Mario cheered and began to run around, until he took off his clothes which took Tari by surprise. A passing Goomba saw this and Tari nervously said "Uh...hehe...I don't know this man."

~Present time~

"YOU DIDN'T BEAT ME THAT BAD!" Bob huffed in annoyance. Tari giggled and said "Don't worry Bob. I'm sure you'll beat me soon."

"WHATEVER." Boopkins said "That's nice Tari, but we were there so we already know what happened." He then had another person in mind and exclaimed "How about Melony? We haven't heard that much about her." The two went off toward's Melony's place and waved goodbye to Tari. "Bye Tari!"

She waved back and went back to her duck crossing or whatever she was doing.

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