63. A mix up

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It was a sunny afternoon that day, but with exams coming up most students made use of their time by studying in the library or outside at a sunny spot. Danielle was enjoying the coffee at a quiet desk in the library, away from other study groups and was determined to at least do well in some of her exams as she didn't want to deem herself as a complete failure , even though she'd much rather study art at this point.

Slowly someone sneaked behind her and closed her eyes, but the auburn could tell from the small giggles and the signature scent that it was her favourite brunette and she wasn't wrong.

"Kaylee?" Danielle asked smiling.

"Hey you. I thought I'd come and say hi as I saw you studying across the library."

"Good because I missed your beautiful smile."

Kaylee releases her hands but soon Danielle takes a gentle hold of them and leads her to the front , making her sit on her lap before she escapes her.

"I missed you too.." Kaylee sighs in content as she settles down and looks at Danielle's laptop. "But I don't wanna disturb your studying session." She says with quietly.

"Well, you're only saying hi. And it's a sweet break from all the hassle if I'm being honest. I needed it. And I needed to see you."

"Oh good, however I was wondering if we could talk. Have you got a sec?" Kaylee mumbles quietly and looks down at the floor as if she really didn't want to disturb the other girl but she had something she needed to get off her chest promptly.

"Talk about what?"

"Your friend..and how she wants us to participate in something I find absurd, and honestly I feel like she's coming between us and you're just letting it happen but I don't know why. This morning she took a shower in our room, and she wore your clothes."

"Okay-..take a breath baby." Danielle tucks two fingers under the girl's chin and lifts her head up to be able to look into her chocolate brown eyes.

"First of all, I'm in love with you and I'm genuinely not interested in anything else right now. I'm gonna admit, I hadn't realized you were so against it or else I wouldn't have said and done what I did last night."

"Well, now you know so what are we gonna do about her..."

"We won't do anything. At least, nothing that involves Bianca or a third person. Sounds okay with you?"

"Mhm, okay. Thanks..." Kaylee smiles slightly, feeling a sense of relief after Danielle agreed not to go forward with it but she still remained fixed on the idea of her girlfriend getting off to a fantasy of them having a threesome.

"Now, give me a quick kiss because I need to get back to work."

The brunette girl leans down and leaves a soft kiss on the other's lips, which she had missed dearly even though it's only been a few hours since she tasted them. Feeling like she could potentially lose her or have someone else touch her, was an imposing thought that made Kaylee crave her more and more.

Even though Danielle wanted to get back to studying, the brunette had other plans. She wanted to claim her, right there, at the library, knowing very well that if she was caught even making out with the woman they would get kicked out and probably have some kind of disciplinary action against them.

However, her growing need pushed her to give the girl another senseless kiss, which surprised her in a really nice way as her little bulge seemed to grow uncontrollably in her jeans. Kaylee tucked some strands of hair out of the way and moved her lips over the girl's ear, and swirled her tongue around her several piercings, leaving her harder than she was before.

"K-Kayle..I.. need to... study.. god"

"I'm only gonna be a minute..."

Kaylee giggles quietly over the girl's ear which brought another wave of arousal to her. Slowly her mouth moved to her neck, leaving love bites all over it causing all kinds of noises to rise and no matter how hard Danielle tried to stiffle them she could barely cope with what was being done to her. The brunette was playing with fire, but they both knew this was merely a tease and nothing more.

"Damnit babe.."

"Mmm, are you complaining?"

"No, but you're such a tease..if you keep doing that the last thing I'll wanna do is study.."

"I-I should probably stop in case we get caught and let you get back, too." Kaylee finally stops with the kissing and pulls back with a content smile on her face.

"But we can continue tonight?" Danielle holds the girl against her more possessively.

"If you finish all of your work, then yes. I'll be checking you so no cheating "

"Alright, Miss Bryant. You can check me all you want."

The brunette giggles quietly and stands up, tucking her clothes back in place as she looked a bit messy.

Later that night, Danielle had finally completed all of her work and could enjoy some rest but on her way back to her room she spotted Leo. She tried to avoid him but the boy started following her through campus and calling her name. Annoyed the aubernette stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"What do you want now?"

"How was your day?" Leo stops midway, and shoves his hands in his pockets looking a bit apprehensive.

"I don't have time for small talk, Kaylee is waiting for me."

"Okay. I guess I wanted to say that I saw you in the library today and it would actually help me if I had a studying buddy to keep me accountable."

"You're asking me to be your study buddy?" Danielle snorts.

"Yeah- and hey I mean it. I think you could definitely hold me accountable and beat my ass if needed."

"That I could. I'm not saying yes though-"

Danielle keeps walking and Leo follows shortly after her laughing casually.

"It wasn't a no either, Russell."

"Whatever, I have my own studies to worry about I can't worry about you too."

"I promise I'll do my best for you. If you take me on." Leo reached up to the girl's speed and together they walked to her room "'Come onnnn.. you know you want to."

"You know what? I'll do it only if you buy me coffee and snacks during our sessions."

"That's easy, consider it done."

Danielle unlocks the door and gives Leo one last look, the boy seemed thrilled she agreed to her idea. She opens the door to the room and to both's suprise she spotted Kaylee and Peyton on the bed laughing and having a chit chat. Danielle did not feel at ease with the sight, last thing she remembers was Peyton confessing to the brunette during that game where they are locked up in the closet and she just wasn't on board with what was happening right now, especially after they had agreed to spend the night together and get back to business.

"Kaylee, what the hell?"

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