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Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Yedioth Ahronoth on Zionist soldiers:

🔻There is no difference between what we faced in Gaza and what we are facing now in Jenin

🔻We are clashing in Jenin with gunmen trying to target us with bullets and explosive devices

#watched |  Part of the armed clash between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the vicinity of Nazareth Street in the city of Jenin.

#Urgent |  Zionist artillery shelling targets north of Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  The occupation launches an air strike in the center of Gaza City

#Follow |  Occupation aircraft launched a raid on the vicinity of the Fahmi Al-Jarjawi School, which houses displaced people, in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in central Gaza City.

#Urgent |  The occupation storms the Safa area in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, and fires live bullets, gas bombs, and flares.

#watched |  The occupation bulldozer destroys the streets in the vicinity of Al-Jalbouni roundabout in Jenin.

#Urgent |  Occupation forces storm the city of Jericho.

#Urgent |  Clashes between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the cinema roundabout area in Jenin

#Urgent |  Martyrs and wounded in a Zionist bombing that targeted the Fatima Al-Zahraa Mosque, which houses displaced people, in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in central Gaza City.

#Urgent |  Occupation forces storm Aqabat Jabr camp in the city of Jericho, east of the occupied West Bank

#Urgent |  Injured by occupation bullets during the storming of the city of Jenin

#Urgent |  The occupation forces opened fire directly on the Al Jazeera crew while covering developments in Jenin

#Urgent |  The occupation forces push military reinforcements towards the place where the press crews live in the city of Jenin

#Urgent|  A worker at a hotel where journalists were staying was injured as a result of being shot by the occupation forces in central Jenin.

#watched |  From inside the hotel that is besieged by the occupation army and where journalists are present in the city of Jenin

#Urgent |  Local sources: The occupation forces arrested the boy Yamen Yasser Al-Lad'a (16 years old) from Aqabat Jaber camp in Jericho.

#Urgent |  Occupation aircraft target a residential apartment on Yarmouk Street in Gaza City

#Urgent |  Occupation aircraft bombed a house for the Shabat family in the Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City

#Urgent |  Martyrs and injuries as a result of the occupation bombing of a house for the Shabat family on Al-Ma’amel Street in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in central Gaza City.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  A press statement issued by the national and Islamic forces:

🔻 The national and Islamic forces welcome the announcement by Norway, Spain, and Ireland of their recognition of the State of Palestine, and they consider this important announcement to represent a major shift in the global position in support of the Palestinian cause and a result of the steadfastness and bravery of the Palestinian people in defending their rights and clinging to their land.

🔻 The forces condemn in the strongest terms the reactions issued by the extremist occupation government, which demonstrate its hideous aggression.

🔻 The announcement of freezing the funds of the Palestinian people, the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque by the hateful extremist “Ben Gvir,” and other measures taken by the occupation represent aggression and terrorism against our people, their land, and their rights.

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