Ch 9: The Attic

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A/N: You know how this book is going to contain magic? are you ready for it? well I am.

Axel POV:

I flipped through the letters the old man sent me while I was locked up, trying to find something, anything that told me who he left it to.

If he hadn't left the damn thing to someone I wouldn't be here right now.

My fingers brushed the photo of Lola he had given me years ago, she wasn't more than five in this with big blue eyes and a mass chestnut hair.

You could tell even then that she was going to grow up pretty.

You just wouldn't have expected her to be so strange to the point where it was hard to actually see the pretty behind the rainbow.

It was normal for a five year old to like wearing tutus and 18 year old on the other hand. not so much.

I never understood why her grandpa gave me the photo but he said it was important that I know his kin and his angel if I ever saw her so I kept it.

It would be a lie if I said I had never looked at it and wondered who the girl in all his stories was.

I had pictured...well what I pictured wasn't her.

He never shut up about her, I would be trying to get to business and he would just suddenly burst out with 'guess what Lola did today' or 'my granddaughter is the funniest thing just the other day she..'

I smiled a bit, he just loved to talk about her.

About how on her first day of middle school she kicked a boy she had apparently liked in the shin and told him he was ugly because he was making fun of one of the special needs children.

And when she first started high school she wanted to start an individuals club with no purpose other than to be yourself. Apparently it wasn't what a high school club was supposed to be though.

When she was a child she used to think doughnuts should be dinner because they both started with the letter D.

I set the worn photo back between the pages of a nearby book.

She wasn't that little girl anymore.

Her grandfather would be proud of her though, would be happy that she's looking after his damn shop so well.

He would kill me for revealing myself to her though. That wasn't supposed to happen.

But it had and try as I might the little spitfire has me trapped between the law and my deal with the old man.

I faintly wondered if she had looked for anything about me in the will yet before I kept skimming the letters.

Maybe he had hinted and where he had left it and I could tell the idiot girl.


"Axxxxeeeeellll! lookie!"

I looked up as Lola entered the shop, my jaw dropping as I noted the book she had shoved in my face.

I recognized it because it was mine. "Where the hell did you get that?!"

She shrugged, "Grandpas attic. What language do you think this is? I didn't know grandpa was bilingual. do you think he spoke anything else?"

"I don't know." But he sure as hell didn't speak that, "let me take a look."

She snatched it away just as I was about to take the old leather book. "No! you have this creepy look in your eyes! you weren't going to give it back."

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