Ch 10: Arson

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A/N: short chapter! hi!


Lola POV:

How the hell does he do this?

I send him in to reorganize everything and he done in an hour, I spill a  twenty pound bag of sugar all over the floor then come back in minutes and its gone, all cleaned up with the floor sparkling.

He's lounging around the break room by noon every day if not sooner.

there isn't a speck of dust anywhere.

How. The. Hell. Does he do that?!


He looked up at me from his coffee.

He drinks it black. 

No sugar.

If I even put one grain of sugar in it he throws it out.

"What do you want?"

I snap my gum, "how do you work so fast?"

He shoots me a strange look, "Great stamina."

...does that even make sense? "oh..well did you find a way to avoid court?"

He shrugged, flipping through the legal papers again, "not legally, your family is a real bitch."

I shifted my weight in my heels, "oh...Well uh thanks anyways?"

His odd violet eyes flicked up to me, "This place means as much to you as it did the old man?"

I nodded.

"Lola how do you feel about the law?"

"I  feel that its orderly and people who enforce it buy a lot of doughnuts from me?"

He groaned, "fucking moron. Lola do you want to avoid court or not?"

"I want to avoid the man yes."

He nodded, "then make a deal with me."

I pursed my lips, a deal? "What kind of deal?"

"I could make this problem disappear if you do something for me."

I frowned, "If I want them dead I think it would be best I killed them myself."

"Not murder."

Oh..."Uh what were you in prison for again?"

"Never said."

"sooo? it wassss?"

He sighed, "arson."

I blinked a few times, "why did you do it?"

Sipping at his coffee he shrugged, "I like fire and the old man needed some stuff to disappear."

"Old man? You mean grandpa?"

He nodded.

"Oh...what did he need gone."

"Did you find evidence that he mentioned me?"

"No.." Damn it. He was always saying that, I mean he's been less argumentative but still every time I want something 'major' he brings up grandpas will! I have searched long and hard for anything that mentions the attractive criminal and have found nothing!

"Then it's none of your business."

"But we know grandpa meant for us to meet right? I mean thats why you stuck around?"

He was silent staring at his coffee, "I suppose."

"Isn't that proof enough?"

Axel seemed to mule it over, "thirty years ago your old man made a mistake did something he wasn't supposed to do, I was helping him finally clean it up."

I looked down at the tile, the pink almost matching my shoes perfectly, "grandpa let you go to prison for him?"

He shook his head, "nah. The old man offered to pay of a lawyer and all that shit but I said no. I did it for him 'cause I wanted to. Owed that much."


"besides prison wasn't all bad, a little on the boring side but not too bad." his eyes traveled over me, eyeing my critically before settling his face on my breasts. "its been some time since I got to feel the touch of a woman." 

I nodded in understanding, "men weren't doing it for yah?"

He sneered, "never been with a man."

"Grandpa always pulled his shotgun on the ones I tried to get with."

Axel chuckled.

"I miss him."

"He was a good man."

The room lapsed into silence. it was the middle of the week, a slow day for us so it was just Axel and I in the shop. "why didn't you just find some random slut when you got out?"

"my first fuck after i get out of prison has to be someone I know."


"Better that way."

I didn't understand, "don't you just have blue balls?"

Axel sighed, "you wouldn't understand Lola, its a preference thing."

I shrugged. Who cares what Axel fucks, he's a motel dwelling odd ball who hates sugar.

But he also helped grandpa.."You don't have to move into my basement...I have a spare bedroom if you want?"


"basements still an option."


"so you are going to keep staying in that motel?"


I frowned, "no. you did so much for grandpa and now you're helping me. your living with me, in a house with a decent shower and a kitchen."

He groaned, "I said no. I don't need your help."

"Its not about help its about gratitude!"

We stared each other down. I puffed my chest out and glared, there was no way I was backing down.









"Will you shut the fuck up if I  agree and stop asking questions about the past?"


"fine then."

"Really?!" I grinned, grandpa would be proud of me for helping out his friend.

"Where I used to live was burned down about a year and a half ago anyways."

I frowned, how ironic for his house to burn down the same time he committed arson.

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