● 10 ●

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It was that time again for lunch. I stood by my locker with another photo of Luke in my hand, as I stared at his locker. I was contemplating whether I should put this in his locker or not. This photo was different, I attached a note on it saying

Luke, meet me at the bleachers, 8 o clock. If you wanna know who I am, then you'll go. If won't go, Ill take that as a cue to leave you alone forever and I won't ever bother you anymore.

I felt my hands shake and my knees wobbled as I walked to his locker and looked around making sure no one saw me.

Then Ashton came into my mind, he told me that I should just stop trying too and that I shouldn't change myself for him, but he doesnt understand. Luke is my everything. Yeah, Im just another girl in his english class, and I want to change that so badly.

Finally I carefully shoved the letter inside his locker and went to the lunchroom.


I watched her carefully as she slipped the piece of paper inside Luke's locker. She looked around to check if someone was watching so she paused for a bit and ran off to the lunchroom.
I see her do this everyday. I hide inside the rooms and I peek through the glass windows, but today I kind of expected her to stop already. I was hoping that she would stop obsessing over Luke after what happened between us, I thought that if I made her feel special then maybe she would want to stop,

and love me instead.

I wanted to know what was written on that letter so badly, I hope it wasn't something too weird. I just don't want her to end up embarassing herself, I cared for her. I was distracted from my thoughts when I heard footsteps coming this way. I looked to see who it was and I saw Luke.

Then I had an idea, maybe this way, Luke wouldn't get curious about his secret admirer, and Tori would lose interest in him.

I walked over to Luke, he was standing by his locker and as he opened it, I saw how he smiled as he saw that piece of paper. I really wanted to know what she wrote.

So I "accidentally" bumped Luke.

"Oh--woah sorry man, didn't see you there" I said trying to get a closer view of what was written.

dang it i still can't see it.

"Nah it's alright ash, where you headed?" Luke asked, my eyes never leaving the piece of paper. "Oh you know, just going to grab some lunch. What's that?"

Luke looked down on the paper in his hands "Oh its nothing, it's just some random note"

"With a red ribbon on it?"

"Well, it's kind of a love letter actually. Some girl has been leaving stuff in my locker everyday. I don't know who it is but it's kinda adorable. This last one told me to show up to tonight at the bleachers." Luke handed the paper for me to see. Yes! Finally

I immediately took it out of his hands and read what was written. My fingers tightened their hold on the paper but I tried to calm myself down and control myself not to rip the paper or crumple it or else Luke would think something's up.

"Oh this, I know who this is. "

I know this was bad, and Tori might get mad at me, but she wouldn't know. I just want her to stop.

"You do? Is she hot?" his voice full of excitement and interest. I felt my blood boil by his words.

You better watch your mouth Hemmings.

"Yeah I know her, she's just some loser in our school. She's not even hot, or pretty. She's weird and trust me man, you don't wanna get associated with her. She get's really clingy and attached and she won't leave you alone. I heard about her in class, because someone saw her writing those exact stuff to you but I don't know who she is. I heard she stalks people and she even follows them to their homes."

okay so part of that was a lie. I never meant to say any of those, I know those weren't true, Luke's never gunna know who it is anyway. It's gunna sound pretty selfish but I want her for myself and I don't want her clinging on to Luke anymore because I know he'll never like her.

"Aww man, I thought she was some pretty girl. She seems nice" he said crumpling the piece of paper and throwing it at the bin. "Anyways, thanks man, Ill see you around Ash."

"Yeah you too Luke."

and with that I headed down the hallway to meet up with Tori for lunch.

* * *

"Hey Tori" I slumped on our usual table. I barely even sit with the guys and Calum anymore, but they know why. Our other friends think that I'm stupid for spending time with a person like Tori, but I actually don't see what's so wrong about that. They keep telling me it's social suicide and I know what they meant but I don't care. Atleast Calum understand, he's basically the only guy in our group that's not a judgemental asshole.

"Hey" she answered blankly, her jaw rested on the palm of her hand looking at the distance.

"How are you?" I asked in a cheerful manner trying to lighten up the mood.

"Fine" she looks down at her food and picks on her poor, demolished mac and cheese. She looks troubled, confused and anxious. I know she was thinking about tonight, if Luke would ever show up or not.

"Anything interesting happened today?" I asked again popping a fry in my mouth

"No" she answered. "Oh okay, I was just wondering. You wanna hang out tonight? We could order pizza tonight and watch movies, anything you want to do actually."

"T-tonight? Ashton I can't tonight, I have important--stuff to do. S-sorry. Maybe tomorrow night okay?"


* * *

9:30 PM

An hour and a half has passed already since 8 o clock

Tori was just sitting there at the bleachers. I saw how she looked and swiftly moved her head if there was a slight sound or even a beam of light because of cars that passed, secretly hoping that the guy of her dreams will eventually come. I notice how she looked at her phone from time to time. That's when I got tired already and decided to go get her. It was getting pretty late.

I walked to her and her head turned to face my direction as I skipped on the seats.

"A-ashton? What are you doing here?" I noticed her glossy eyes and I knew she wanted to cry right there. It was sad because I knew I was mostly the cause of why he didn't come which made her upset, but this was for her own good..

"I was just at the library, I had to do some work" I lied. I didn't even bother to ask her what was wrong because I knew what was wrong. I opened my arms and she ran to me and hugged mw tightly as she sobbed and buried her face into my chest, ashamed that someone saw her crying, but i didn't mind at all.

"I'm here now babe, don't cry" I said as I kissed her head and hugged her back.

* * *

im getting feels, its been so long since ive updated this one. ily all xx.

btw can we talk about the PERFECT MUSIC VIDEO!? like tf that was per-fect and Liaaaaaam omfg Liam. im dyin. cause of death: Liam's loose strand of hair.

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