Chapter (I dont even know any more) 20

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Conway has liked a picture of Dawn from 3 years ago~


Ash: Because that's not creepy at all

Brock: Just give up already, Conway

Conway: Oh you mean like you???

Brock: ...

Ash: I would like that comment if it wasn't Conway
Missingo has updated it's status- olleh elohssa


Misty: Nobody cares

Nobody: Speak for yourself...
Conway has poked Dawn
Conway has poked Dawn
Conway has poked Dawn
Conway has poked Dawn


Dawn: No


Conway: Paul you are spelling things wrong

Paul: I will find you

Conway: Ha! Good luck!

Dawn: Conway, I know you're outside my house

Conway: Oh. Well now I have time to get away
before Paul shows up from the other side of Sinnoh.

Paul: I'm actually at Dawn's house

Conway: Oh...

Ash: Run bitch


Ash: Did Paul do that?

Paul: Yes.

Dawn: Aww thanks babe!!

Max: Ew

Barry: Dawn, Paul, I'm fining you for PDA

Paul: You can't fine us 7 times for the same thing

Barry: YES I CAN
Not God has created a chat with all of the Sinnoh Legendaries

Manaphy: so how are you going to help us get Arceus back?

Cresselia: Now Manaphy, let's not be rash

Manaphy: my middle name is rash

Phione: except it's spelled r-u-t-h

Darkrai: that spells " Ruth"

Phione: Yeah it does

Not God: HEY

Everyone: What?

Not God: I'm trying to help! If you imbeciles would listen-!

Uxie: You know what? No. Who are you-

Azelf: What are you saying-

Mespirit: And where's Arceus

Not God: All will be answered in time...

Shaymin (Sky): No it will be answered NOW

Shaymin: Sky...

Darkrai: Sky is right, we want answers and we want them NOW

Not God: Fine

Not God: I have him

Everyone: WHAT

Not God: Yes, yes. He's tied up in psychic chains in a secret location. I poke-napped him a LONG time ago. I hacked his facebook and made him seem super annoying so people/Pokemon wouldn't want him around anymore. So nobody would care if he'd randomly disappear. Except for you Pokemon, who for some reason care. I don't see why you do, I didn't really need to make him seem annoying. He is.

Cresselia: How could you??!!!

Darkrai: Tell us where you are NOW

Not God: Sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that

Shaymin: then why would you tell us all this?

Not God: Because you will get the world to worship me

Heatran: *snort* excuse me?

Not God: Get the world to worship me

Heatran: *snort* not in a million years!

Not God: Well then I guess your friend will be experiencing some pain...

Giratina: 'scuse me?

Not God sent a video of Arcues being electrocuted by a bunch of weird looking Raichu

Palkia: No!!

Dialga: Arceus!!

Cresselia: How could you do this?

Not God: I want to be worshipped!!!!

Darkrai: Who ARE you?

Not God: Your worst.................nightmare

(A/N WOAHH WHAT IS HAPPENING. I know. Can't say. I'm totally evil. Sorry. Maybe. Not really. So how's everyone's day going? Mines okay. Okay I have nothing left to say NOW. THERES NOTHING LEFT TO SAY NOW. Sorry guys. Burst out in song. K Thx bai


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