Thank you Raoeey

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This chapter is dedicated to ZainabRao  a.k.a Raoeey, the writer of  What Happens When Fangirls and Death Note Mix, the inspiration for this story. Check it out sometime

Connor: alright everyone! I just learned that Raoeey, your old friend, has pulled the plug on her awesome story, the inspiration for this one!

4th wall: come on!

Connor: shut up 4th wall this is a serious chapter! Anyway, I want you to tell me what your favorite adventure you guys had with her was!


Connor: uhhh..... Ohhhhhkayy....

Near: how about the ongoing argument about whether L and Light should be together?

Connor: that is fun. Everyone including me who joined in has formed a cult now called the Breadsticks of Death.

Near: holy cheeseburgers

Light: I liked that long multi chapter adventure with the characters from Attack on Titan

Connor: yeah and when Levi saved Raoeey from the Titan and Levi said he didn't speak Chinese after she called him Senpai, that story officially became my favorite wattpad story.

Matsuda: I liked the "why Light is a dumb***" saga

Connor: now that was some fun stuff! And you L?....L?

*l is sitting at a computer biting his thumbnail*

Connor: L, we're talking about your girlfriend here.

*sees that L is in fact, reading Raoeey's story as a tear rolls down his cheek*

L:..... My favorite adventure with Raoeey.... that would have to be the attack on Titan one.


Connor: shut up Light you're killing the moment.

L: it was my favorite because we had all thought that she was dead by the Titan, but seeing her okay and alive.... the feeling of happiness it gave me.... I had never on my life felt more happy.

*starts sobbing*

Connor: yeah. I hear ya. Her story made us all feel happy.

Everyone: Thank you Raoeey!

To everyone who is reading this and has read Raoeey's story, tell what your favorite chapter was and leave it in the comments! Until next time,

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