A Walking Dead Chapter Part 2 (STILL SPOILERS)

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* in the Walking Dead realm, it is shortly after Negan killed Glenn (😭)*

Negan: what's wrong? Was the joke that bad?

*Connor, Sam and Dean drive into the realm*

Negan: what the---

*Connor walks out of baby (Dean's Chevy Impala)*

Dean: *starts randomly attacking Negan's men, in the same way that Captain Boomerang did when he was let out of the body bag in Suicide Squad*


Sam: He still has the mark of Cain.

Connor: oh.

Negan: will someone PLEASE explain what is going on?

Connor: you killed my favorite character! That's what's going on! I'm gonna kill you now!

Negan: *chuckles* I like this guy! It's a shame I have to kill him.

Connor: *takes out baseball bat* en garde!

*Connor and Negan have a swordfight with baseball bats*

Connor: Sam! Dean! HELP!

*Sam and Dean take out guns and start shooting at Negan*

Negan: *kicks Connor away, then hits Sam and Dean each once with Lucille*

Dean: you maniac!

Negan: now I'm not sure that's how you two wanna talk to me.

Sam: oh yeah and whys that?

Negan: Sam...Dean... I am your father.

Sam and Dean: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Negan: join me, and we can rule all of the Saviors, just me and my boys–OOF!

*Connor whacks Negan*

Connor: let's get out of here.

*Connor, Sam and Dean drive out of the walking dead realm and have a party at the task force HQ*

L: there is one piece of pie left.

Dean: I think I should get it. I'm a hunter after all.

L: yes but I am the world's greatest detective

*Dean and L arm wrestle for the last slice of pie*

Connor: guys I have a better way of dealing with this! *uses sling ring to make portal*

*Connor, L, and Dean are now at a Hot Topic.*

Connor: whoever lasts the longest while being chased by their fangirls wins.


Dean: !

Connor: ready! Set...*opens the doors to hot topic* GO!

*fangirls start pouring out of hot topic and chase Dean and L*


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