The Lemon Chapter (No, not that kind of lemon.)

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L: what are you doing Connor?

Connor: I'm trying to invent a new kind of lemonade for people who can't have citrus. Here, try this one.

L: okay *takes a sip spits it out* OH MY KIRA!

Connor: okay so the tennis ball substitute is a no.

Light: what you are doing is downright stupid

Connor: oh yeah? Try this one then please

Light: whatever *takes a sip* IT BURNS! IT BURNS! *dies*

Connor: hmmm.... That cyanide mix could come in handy after all.

L: well you know it's not lemonade without lemons.

Connor: good point. *takes out a basket of lemons* well you know what they say. When life gives you lemons, chuck 'em at Misa.

L: I like that

*Connor and L start pelting misa with lemons*


L: this is fun Connor but you know you really shouldn't have called this the lemon chapter

Connor: why not?

L: *sigh...* how do i explain this? Well, it's actually a type of fanfic where *starts whispering in Connor's ear*

Connor:😳...if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go wipe out my ears and cry

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