We are number one but it's a chapter in this story

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I'm Sorry

Light: *on the phone* hello? Yes I'd like to order a villain henchman. Yes just like me. I'll take three. Thanks. *puts down phone*

Light: now that I'll have a team of bad guys I'll be able to get rid of L and become God of the New World!

*villains appear they look exactly like Light*

Light: yay!

Villain 1: hi I'm Kight

Villain 2: and I'm Snight

Villain 3: and I'm Alexander Berial von Blitzshinger Vandassle IV

Light: great! Now we can take down L!

Kight: what?

Light: are you uh...real villains?

Kight: uh...

Light: have you ever caught a detective?

Snight: nope

Light: have you considered a shinigami eye deal?

Al: nah

Light: sigh....I'll have to teach you how to be villains! *starts playing a saxophone*

Everyone: Hey! *start dancing* We Are number one!

*dance some more*

Everyone: We Are number one!

Light: now listen closely...
Here's a little lesson in trickery
This is going down in history
If you wanna be a Kira number one
You have to catch the best detective on the run

*L is working while stirring a lollipop in a cup of hot chocolate, light and his team are watching him*

Light: just follow my lead and sneak around
           Be careful not to make a sound

Snight: *steps on Beyond Birthday who is lying in the middle of the floor*

BB: Ow!

Light: No you idiot–*groan*

Light and Team: we are number one!

*start dancing*

Light and Team: We Are number one!

*Light has a net*

Light: now look at this net that I just found
            When i say go, be ready to throw.

*L walks by*

Light: Go!

*team throws net on Light*

Light: Throw it on him not me! Sigh, let's try something else.

Light: *lays down bear traps*
              Watch and learn, we soon will clap,
               As he trips and is caught in this bear trap! Ha ha ha!

*Light's team all stumble into the bear traps*

Team: AIIEEE!!!


*song resumes*

Light and Team: we are number one!

*dance some more*

Light: Kira number one!

L: *sees a pile of candy laid out for him*

*Kight and Al have a butterfly net, they swing it at L who dodges and the net catches Al instead*

Light: *face palm*

Light and Team: We Are number one!
                                 We are number one!

Light: We are number one,

Team and Light: hey hey!

I've been wanting to do a we are number one chapter for a while.
As you may know, the actor who plays Robbie Rotten in We are number one has cancer and there is a GoFundMe page to raiseoney for him to have treatment.
Here is the link to that page if you are interested

See you all soon!

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