Snicket part 4

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When L, Snicket and Connor agree that Dr. Nefaro is Count Olaf, Connor runs to his movie room to grab something, and L tries to stop him. Now, he is back and ready to confront Count Olaf.

Dr. Nefaro: *steps in a bucket of water* WHAT THE---

Connor: oh sorry. Don't know who left that there....

Dr. Nefaro: I am outraged! How dare anyone leave that there? *Lifts pant leg to wring out out, everyone sees his tattoo of an eye on his ankle*

Lemony Snicket: I KNEW IT!


Count Olaf: so, you have finally figured it out! But it won't stop me from getting the Baudelaire fortune!

Connor: the Baudelaire children are far away from you!

Count Olaf: they're in the basement, aren't they?


Count Olaf: well it was terrible meeting you I have some orphans to kidnap.

Connor: NO! Heres what I got in my movie room.

*It's a wearable item. And it's green. And it's powerful!!! It's...The green lantern ring.*

Connor: *asks audience* what did you think it was?

*Count Olaf makes a run for it, but Connor gives him a wedgie with the green lantern ring*

Connor: welp, that takes care of that. *Boots Count Olaf with a giant green boot using the green lantern ring*

Connor: ok kids, you can come out now!

*Baudelaire children come up*

Mr. Poe: *apparates*


Mr. Poe: I don't— *COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH* know. *COUGH COUGH COUGH* but I need to take the children to a new guardian.

L: actually, that will not be necessary, Mr. Poe.

Mr. Poe: well you're not the guardian so I need to–

Connor: well, actually, were going to induct them into the task force.

Violet: wha?! 😀

Klaus: wha?! 😀

Sunny: gampa?! 😀

L: yes. Connor and I have talked about it, and we have decided that you three must live with us under our roof, along with Mr. Snicket.

Lemony Snicket: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's great! Thanks!

Lemony Snicket: what is this feeling I have? It's so...warm and tingly...I feel...So...HAPPY!!! 😄😄😄

Mr. Poe: well, you seem to *COUGH* Have *COUGH* Every *COUGH* thing under *COUGH* Control. If you ever need any help from me at Mulctuary Money Managements, here's my card.

Connor: thanks—hey this card says Gringotts!

Mr. Poe: *apparates*

Connor: oh well. How about dinner? Pasta Puttenesca for everyone!

Everyone: YAY!!!

Connor: there's only one thing left to say now:

Everyone: huehuehue!

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