Task force HQ remodeling with Light and Connor part 1

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Light: why do we have this job again?

Connor: how the heck should I know? Let's get started

*light accidentally hammers a hole in the wall*

Connor: really?

Light: hehehe...oops.

Connor: gimme that

*takes hammer from Light. Makes hold in wall bigger. Throws Light into it*

*Light is washing windows on a very high floor outside the building*

Spider-Man: hey you missed a spot

Light: thank you Spider-Man

*meanwhile in the inside of the building*

Connor: this nail just won't go in. I know!

*summons Thor's Hammer*

Connor: good. Now...

*hits nail with tremendous force. Causes Light to fall of platform holding him up*

Light: AAAAAAAA!!!!!

*connor rushes to window*

Connor: I don't believe it....SPIDER-MAN?!

Spider-man: hello your friend stinks at washing windows doesn't he?

Connor: that and a million other things...

To be continued

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