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*connor is knitting*

Light: do I want to know what you're doing right now?

Connor: well Kira, I'm knitting.

Light: seriously?

Connor: yep. Care to see what I'm knitting?

light: no not really

Connor: see? It's not really anything just a little colorful pattern. I really only just started learning.

Light: please, knitting is a chick thing!

Connor: no it's not! And here's another advantage to learning how to knit!

*stabs Light in the neck with a knitting needle Light dies*

Fun fact, I really AM learning how to knit. I'm only learning the basic stitch right now. To remember what I'm doing I just do this rhyme in my head:
In through the front door,
Around the back,
Through the window,
And out jumps Jack.

See you all soon!

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