Lightning McQueen murder investigation part 5

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Matsuda: what do we do now? Stewie has us trapped in this cage and Connor is attached to a laser death trap!

L: don't worry, everyone. I can handle this! *Takes out a cake*

Matsuda: L, this is no time for your unhealthy eating disorder!

L: just trust me on this! *Grabs file out of cake, cuts bars of cage down*

*Everyone escapes and frees Connor*

Connor: now let's catch Stewie! *Everyone apparates*


*Lightning is in his hospital room when Stewie appears*

Stewie: Hello McQueen.

Lightning: who are you?

Stewie: I'm here to kill you.

Lightning: !!!!!

Stewie: Then I will destroy all the machines, bring the humans back to Earth and take over the world! HA HA HA HA HA!!!

*Task force apparates into room wearing gas masks*

Connor: not if we have anything to say about it!

Stewie: no! It's impossible! And why are you wearing–

Connor: *sprays AXE body spray*


*Brian the dog from Family Guy appears*

Brian: *sigh* Stewie, are you trying to take over a parallel Earth AGAIN?!

Stewie: But Brian--

Brian: no Stewie, we're going home. *Drags stewie*

Stewie: Why you---Mark my words Connor, I will have my revenge–

Brian: *puts plunger over Stewie's mouth, then turns to task force* look, I'm really sorry about this, it happens a lot to be honest.

L: it is alright.

Connor: by the way I love your show

Brian: thanks. *Presses button on multiverse remote and disappears with stewie*

Connor: well, Lightning, we hope you make a fast recovery.

Lightning: me too. And thanks for everything Connor.

Connor: you're welcome. We'll visit you when we can.

*Everyone apparates back to HQ*

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