No title because i have no idea what to call this chapter

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Note: this chapter picks right up after the last chapter

*everyone is walking back to the truck*

Light: I have a couple questions.

Connor: what?

Light: one, why did we drive here in a donut truck and two, what was the point of driving us up here for two hours again?

Connor: I didn't know that the Nickelodeon hotel closed and so we drove for two whole days in a donut truck for nothing.

Light: I hate you. Next question, you just said that we are one mile from Disney World, so why don't we just head there?

Connor: a couple reasons. One, your attitude right now. Two, my parents might be actually planning a Disney trip for my sister and I and I will just model a chapter arc based off of said trip.

Light: so we're two days from home for nothing?

Connor: yep

Light: why you son of a–

*crowd of fangirls appears*


Connor: everyone, I have a really good idea.

L: what is it?

Connor: RUNNNNN!!!!!!!

*everyone runs but Light falls behind*

Light: help! *is caught in the pack of fangirls* HELP! *escapes*

L: well, we survived.

Light: guys, they took my socks without taking off my shoes! HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!

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