Celebrating 100 Chapters!!!!

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Connor: we did it! We've made it to 100 chapters!

Everyone: WOOO!!!

L: lets celebrate!

Light: *runs in with a confetti cannon and fires it. Everyone covers their ears*

Connor: Whoa! Dude, what was that for?

Light: ...sorry. Guess I got carried away 😳

Connor: yes. You did. Now lets party!

*knock on door*

Connor: I'll get it. *opens door. KikutheKiller and Bloodina_Cake are there*

Connor: Kiku! Bloodina! Glad you could make it!

Kiku: i brought the potato chips

Light: *raises eyebrow* potato chips?

Kiku: yep. Barbeque and plain.

Light: potato chips?

Kiku: uhh...yeah. The giant sized bags...

Light: *with crazy look on his face* POTATO CHIPS?!?!?!

Connor: Kiku, here's a tip in what to do in these situations.


Kiku: what Connor?

Connor: RUNNNNNNN!!!!

Kiku: *runs with light chasing her yelling potato chips*

That was for any SpongeBob fans out there.

Near: *with chocolate milk* alright! It's a party! Woo hoo!

Connor: near how many chocolate milk cartons have you drank?

Near: c'mon it's a party woo hoo!

Connor: no more chocolate milk for you tonight.

L: everyone, I have an announcement to make! After these 100 chapters, I have finally figured out who Kira is!

Everyone but Light: *cheers*

Light: uh oh.

L: Kira is... Oh no! *clutches chest* I'VE BEEN KIRA'D! *falls over*


L: *gets up* just kidding! Ha ha! I actually still have no idea whatsoever who Kira is!

Everyone: *laughs*

And that's the 100th chapter of What Happens When Fanboys and Death Note Mix! Thank you all so much for everything!

*sorry Bloodina_Cake I forgot to give you a line or something. I'll think of something for you, dont worry!

Next: maybe an Anime Olympics Tournament!

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