I dont know what to call this chapter

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*Connor walks in*

Connor: hey guys, what's goi–

*everyone is sitting at a round table*

L: Connor, we need to talk.

Connor: ok....*awkwardly sits down...*

L: Connor, your creative output has been quite strange lately.

Light: like seriously, your chapters have been really weird.

Connor:... what?

L: let me explain. First, you had that Panic! At the Disco arc where you were in thoae situations and singing Panic! songs.

Connor: I'm an artist! Gimme a break

L: and then there was the Mask arc

Connor: Come on, that was awesome! That was beautiful!

Light: I still have wedgie burn from that, asshat!


L: anyway, then you had Ahsoka kiss you at the end of that arc

Connor: so? What's so weird about that?

Light: nothing, we just wanted to capitalize on that because honestly, I never thought that that would ever happen to you since you're a major dork.

Connor: SHUT UP KIRA! *stabs light with a screwdriver* I miss doing that.

L: and finally, your last chapter was based on a Bert and Ernie Sesame Street sketch!

Connor: I told you, I'm an artist!

L: we just think that things have been weird is all.

Connor: yes they have and they have also been glorious. Oh by the way, I'm doing a new Panic!  chapter soon. Just gotta figure out which song I'm going to do–Light! You've got two black eyes! How?

Light: it's from loving too hard.

Connor: and I just realized, you've also got a black car! It matches your blackest soul!

Light: and i wouldn't change it.

Connor: no? Wait a minute....

Next: a new Panic! chapter

What Happens When Fanboys and Death Note MixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora