Bigger problem

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I decided to drop the whole apocalypse thing. I can't think of much to do with it, plus I want to be able to do something different for my upcoming 100th chapter. So here's something else.

Connor: guys, we got a problem. my story is not showing up in search on Wattpad.

L: yikes!

Connor: I checked, and it hasn't been labeled as mature, and the language is set to English. I can't think of anything that can possibly be the reason.

Light: will you be ending it then?

Connor: No way! I've got an idea! But I need to break the fourth wall. *sees fourth wall* L, stand back. *summons Thor hammer.*

Connor: wall, you're going DOWN! *smashes fourth wall* Hello fellow Wattpad sees. I have an announcement to make. The next chapter will be my 100th one, but I will not be posting it until I fix the problem and make it show this story shows up in search again. that's where YOU come in.

Connor: anyone that has any ideas that can help, please leave it in the comments. And then, once I fix the problem, everyone who suggested something will be a character iny 100th chapter! So please, if you have any suggestions at all, please tell me! Thanks!

Update: it's back! But I still would like possible reasons for why it vanished in the first place. Whoever comments possible reasons why will still be featured in the 100th chapter! Thanks!

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