Light is a Scrooge!

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*Connor walks in*

Connor: hey what's up Imagay? It's almost christmas after all!

Light: Christmas? Bah! Humbug!

Connor: uh oh.

Light: what?

Connor: you're turning into Scrooge!

Light: what?

Connor: Ebenezer Scrooge?


Connor: A Christmas Carol?


Connor: READ A BOOK!

Light: whatever. I just don't give a crud about Christmas.

Connor: hmph. Well aren't you going to have some fun tonight.

Light: GO AWAY!

Connor: okay okay Kira I'm going. *walks away*

That night...

Light: Bah humbug! *hears spooky sounds*

Light: who's there?

Spooky voice: oooooooooooo!

Light: ha ha very funny Connor stop it–*looks over sees ghost of Raoeey*

Light: AAAAA!!!! *falls over and crashes into desk*

Light: r-r-raoeey?!

Ghost of Raoeey: that's right Kira.

Light: wait. How the heck did you die?

Ghost of Raoeey: Darth Vader killed me. Now I'm a force ghost.

Light: oh. Well what are you doing here? Do you know what time it is?

Ghost of Raoeey: I'm here because you hate Christmas

Light: yeah so?

Ghost of Raoeey: that's mean. So now when you die you're going to be a smelly old shinigami. No offense ryuk.

Ryuk: give me an apple and I won't be offended.

Ghost of Raoeey: ok *gives ryuk apple then pets his head* good doggy

Light: so I'm gonna be a smelly shinigami?

Ghost of Raoeey: not if you change

Light: then I won't be a shinigami?

Ghost of Raoeey: no youll still be a shinigami just not a smelly one. You'll smell like potato chips

Light: yay! So how do I do it?

Ghost of Raoeey: you're going to see three more ghosts.

Light: is this how I change?

Ghost of Raoeey: yep

Light: then I don't wanna. I'll just be buried with deodorant when I die

Ghost of Raoeey: *flaps arms* bok bok bok bok bok!

Light: stop

Ghost of Raoeey: bok bok bok bok

Light: enough

Ghost of Raoeey: I'm still bok bok bokking! Bok bok bok bok


Ghost of Raoeey: ok good bye bye. And merry Christ–


Ghost of Raoeey: Connor was right. You ARE Scrooge. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go flirt with Lawlipops. *walks through door*

Light: ghosts. Yeah right.

To be continued

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