Holidays are just starting!

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Connor: *passed out on the couch*

L: Connor, wake up!

Connor: wha--?

L: phew! I thought Kira got you

Connor: what time is it?

L: you've been sleeping since noon yesterday

Connor: well that's what Black Friday will do to you. That and eating three helpings of turkey on Thanksgiving.

L: and you've got a black eye.

Connor: while I was shopping yesterday some guy punched me to get to a PS4  I was after. And I have grills because someone else punched out some of my teeth while getting to some B-movie DVD.

L: what about the footprints and the tire tracks?

Connor: I was trampled  while trying to get into the first store.

L: ouch.

Connor: and now we gotta start getting ready for christmas.

L: what about your Hamilton chapter?

Connor: work in progress. It'll be a little while.

L: ok.

Connor: well, I'm going to go to my room to grab something.

L: Connor, NO!

Connor: *opens door to his room. A mountain of stuff he bought on Black Friday spills out over him. L runs over.*

L: Connor?

*Connor's head pops out of pile*

Connor: ok, so maybe I had no idea how much I actually bought....

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