Task Force HQ Remodeling Part 2

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I can't think of any other stories to do yet so more of me and Light struggling to do some DIY remodeling. Also, My fanfic is still up so I guess I didn't have to worry about it getting removed for having the Prince song up, so today's Prince song is When Doves Cry, one of my favorites. Enjoy!
Update December 3 2016: the video must have been taken down

Light: okay, we got the vending machine out of the way, now what's next?

Connor: you need to plaster the walls in the lobby downstairs and I need to install the kitchen appliances

Light: k

*later light finishes plastering walls. Connor walks in with a box of tools. Slams door behind him. Plaster on walls collapses*

Light: you son of a–

Connor: no bad words Kira

Light: I hate you

Connor: I hate you too :) *walks into kitchen and sees beyond birthday lying on the floor*

Connor: oh not you again. What are you doing?

BB: pretending to be a dead body

Connor: *pauses, after a few seconds stomps hard on BB's stomach*

BB: le scream! *clutches stomach* nothing a jar of jam won't fix

Connor: sorry. Haven't installed the fridge yet

BB: *in the style of Darth Vader in Episode III* NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Connor: tell you what. Wanna help me?

BB: oh yes I love helping.

Connor: good. Get in the oven and clean it.

BB: really? I've read hansel and Gretel. How dumb do you think I am?

Connor: not answering that. Get in.

BB: fine*crawls in oven*

Connor: *ties BB's shoes together. For some reason he has shoes*

BB: all done *crawls out*. Waugh! *falls*

Connor: *giggles*

*light finishes plastering walls. Connor walks out and slams door behind him. Plaster on walls collapsed again*

Light: *sobs*

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