Cinematic Survival Adventure part 9

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When an earthquake known as The End destroys Task Force HQ the task force must escape and find a new place to live with Sweeney Todd following close by!

Last time, Ahsoka escaped Wattpad and is racing to save the task force from Sweeney Todd.

*Ahsoka is on Ghost Rider's motorcycle trying to find everyone*

Ahsoka: I can't do this alone. I know just the guy


*Everyone is tied up still*

Light: we're dead.

Connor: shut up Kira I'm going to find a way out of this.

L: well you should find a way soon because I think he's coming back.

*Sweeney Todd walks in.*

Sweeney Todd: so, who's up first? *Takes out razor blade* alright!

Sweeney Todd: *starts singing*
You sir, *points to L* how about a shave?
Come and visit your good friend Sweeney.
You sir, *points to Light* too sir? *Points to Matsuda* welcome to the grave

I will have vengeance
I will have salvation
Who sir? You sir? *Points to Near*
No one's sitting in the chair, come on! Come on!
Sweeney's. Waiting. I want you bleeders!
You sir! Anybody!
Gentlemen now don't be shy!

Light: why is he singing?

Connor: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is a musical movie, so yeah

Sweeney Todd: you! *Points to Light, aims razor at his throat*

Sweeney Todd: *singing*
You may have once bested me
But nothing more would fill me with glee
Than your blood spilling across the floor
I would not ask  for much much more! *As he sings "much much more", he takes the razor back and is about to slash Light's throat when...*

*Something clonks Sweeney Todd on the head and knocks him unconscious*

Connor: who did that?

*Connor's best friend Lucas walks in eating a bowl of Legos with milk poured on them*

Everyone: Lucas!

Lucas: were you expecting Kevin Smith? *Unties everyone*

L: but how did you find us?

Lucas: I had a little tip from someone

*Ahsoka appears*

Everyone: Ahsoka!

Ahsoka: you didn't think you could keep me in there for that long could you? *Kisses Connor, whose face turns red*

Lucas: Did not see that coming.

Light: yeah no, I'm still not used to it either.

Sweeney Todd: *wakes up* Not so fast! I will have my vengeance!

L: I shall handle this!

Connor: L! *Throws L a razor blade*

L: *holds razor blade like a sword*

Sweeney Todd: very well. En garde!

*They start walking in a circle*

Sweeney Todd: I am about to give you the closest shave I have ever given!

L: we shall see

*They each lunge at each other screaming*

To be concluded

I probably should have done this back in part 2, but Just in case there's anyone who doesn't know that much about Sweeney Todd, here's the trailer for the movie. It's a great movie and I recommend it. It's on Netflix

Note: I do not own the song lyrics in this chapter.
Although I wrote the lyrics when he tries to kill Light

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