Disney's Hollywood Studios

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Connor: well guys, it's our last day here. Let's make it count! What'll we ride first?


Connor: awwwwww yeah!

*when on tower of Terror*

Everyone: WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Connor: now how about the rock n roller coaster!

Everyone: yay!

Near: WAHHH!! I'm not tall enough!

Connor: well... sorry buddy. Guess we gotta take turns again. Can someone find some bumper cars for the little albino sheep please?

Near: very funny 😡

*after rock n roller coaster*

Connor: tell you what Near. Since you were a good boy while we rode the ride, well let you pick the next one.


L: that's my boy!

*on star tours*

Connor: wow. This thing got changed. High I see. We wanted star tours. This is Star Tours: The Adventure Continues. Wrong ride.

L: no Connor. Dont you remember? Once Disney bought Star Wars, they updated Star Tours.

Connor: oh yeah! Well, let's hope its not based on the prequels! If I see something that looks remotely like Jar Jar Binks, I will activate my poison tooth.

Matsuda: you have a poison tooth?

Connor: no, not really.

*on star tours still*

Connor: WOOOOOOOOOO this rocks even more!!!!!!!!!


Connor: near, that was a good call. So I'm taking you to the gift shop right now, and I'm going to buy you a toy.

L: which one?

Connor: good question. There's the star wars gift shop, the Muppet gift shop, the Disney Villians gift shop, and... jeez!

Near: that one! *points to star wars*

Connor: ok. Pick whatever you want.

Near: *does the make your own toy lightsaber thing*

Connor: ok.....

Cashier: that'll be $200 sir.

Connor: 🙀 200--?! *glances at near* you're lucky were on vacation.

Near: hehe 😝

Connor: and batteries?

Cashier: they cost extra

Connor: mother–

Mickey Mouse: no swearing. You're in Disney World!

Connor: oh ok.

L: Mickey Mouse?😨AAAAA!!!  *runs away*

*that night, they ride the great movie ride, which is a tour of a bunch of animatronic recreations of classic film scenes*

Tour guide: and in this one AAA!

*part of the show is that someone supposedly hijacks the car*

Hijacker: now I can collect all your valuables

Misa: YOULL NEVER TAKE MISAS LIGHT!!! *clutches light*

Light: hey if you need hostages take my girlfriend!....please.

Connor: misa, no one's taking Light. That hijacker is just an actor.

Misa: oh.

That night at the hotel

Connor: well everyone, it's been a great week, but tomorrow we gotta go home. Goodnight everyone!

Everyone: night!

To be concluded

So my sister and I did not reveal our plan to our parents yesterday. We were all having a bad night so we decided to wait until this Friday. I'll be sure to tell you all how it goes!

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