Only one man can help

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Connor put on the mask from the 1994 movie The Mask. Now he is practically a Toon! The task force must get that mask off of him. First, Light tried to trap him, but he got underwear over his head. Then he became a savage in his anger. Then L tried to talk Connor into taking the mask off, and HE got underwear over his head, and a headache.

*the task force is running after Connor. Matsuda has L and Light on chains and leashes.*

L and Light: KILL! KILL!

Matsuda: Can't someone else take a turn with these twoOOOOOOOO- *L and Light nearly trip him*

Matsuda: what do we do now?

*suddenly, KikutheKiller apparates*

Everyone: KIKU?!?! What are you doing here?

Kiku: i live under HQ!

Matsuda: what do we do?

Misa: why don't we get that one fourth wall breaking guy to help?

Near: did misa just have a good idea?!

Matsuda: it just might work! *makes a call on his phone*

Connor: Run run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'M RAINBOW DASH!!

*Deadpool jumps in front of Connor, everyone stops running*

Deadpool: You know, you should really leave the wisecracking awesomeness to the professionals. Namely, me.

Connor: Oh. The Deathstroke/Spider-Man wannabe!

Deadpool: HEY! Spider-Man's my heart mate!

Connor: I may be a masked toon, but I still fanboy. DEADPOOL IS GONNA FIGHT THE MASK!!!!

Deadpool: *groan* you're starting to bug even ME! And that's saying something! *takes out twin katanas* SLICEY DICEY!!

Connor: *takes out a million guns* You really shouldn't have brought swords to a gunfight.

Deadpool: mommy

Connor: *fires guns, they all have BANG! flags popping out of them.* GOTCHA!

Deadpool: *fires real guns*

Connor: *dodges bullets* whoa! Whoa! Almost got me there! *walks up to Deadpool* You need to be careful with those things! *eats Deadpool's gun*

Deadpool: What the s---?!

Connor: Ah ah ah! You shouldn't say naughty words! I better wash your mouth out! *Shoves a giant bar of soap in Deadpool's mouth*

Deadpool: Why you-- *Connor hands him a comic* OOH! Comics! *First panel shows Deadpool reading comic. Second panel shows Connor pulling his underwear over his head. Third panel shows Connor whacking him with a giant mallet.*

Deadpool: Ha ha ha! That's so hilari--

Connor: *pulls Deadpool's underwear over his head, then whacks him with a giant mallet.*

Deadpool: THAT'S IT! NO MORE MR. NICE MERC!!!! *pulls out a bazooka*

Connor: AAAAAAAAA!!!!! *his eyes pop out of his head just like in cartoons* How do I get out of this one? I know! *spins into a tornado, then has mariachi uniform on. Music starts and he starts dancing and shaking marachas.*

Connor: *singing*

Hit it!
They call me Cuban Pete
I'm the king of the Rumba beat
When I play the maracas I go
Yes sir, I'm Cuban Pete
I'm the craze of my native street
When I start to dance everything goes
The senioritas they sing
And they swing with "terampero"
It's very nice! So full of spice!
And when they dance in they bring
A happy ring that "era keros"
Are singing a song
All the day long
So if you like the beat
Take a lesson from Cuban Pete
And I'll teach you to

Deadpool: I don't know why, but I gotta shake my booty! *starts dancing*

Connor: *hits Deadpool with a giant frying pan*


Light: KILL! KILL!

Connor: Ehhhh, SHADDUP! *slaps L and Light*

L: Thank you, we needed that. So, you do not want to take off the mask, Connor?

Connor: Sorry emo boy. Not gonna happen. SOMEBODY STOP ME!

L: We know just who will. We have one more trick up our sleeve.

*Ahsoka appears.*


Connor: ! *Connor's heart beats out of his chest like in cartoons* Hey hey baby how are you?

Ahsoka: ...I'm not sure I can be with you anymore.

Connor: well that's fi--WHAT? *his mouth opens up extremely wide like in cartoons*

Ahsoka: you''re a whole different person since you put that mask on.

Connor: BUT...BUT...Ahsoka! Baby! Sweetheart! Isn't there anything that could change your mind? I'll do anything. ANYTHING!

Ahsoka: maybe you could...take off that mask?

Connor: YES! YES! I WILL TAKE OFF THIS MASK! *pulls at his face. A storm cloud appears over him, and there's thunder and lightning*

Connor: AAAAAAAA!!!!! *pulls the mask off. He is back to normal.*

Everyone: Connor! *group hug*

Connor: Yep, I'm back! *turns to Ahsoka*

Connor: Look... I'm sorry about all of know, I just, Light peer-pressured me and all and-

Light: I'm not taking responsibility!

Connor: Anyway, I've been crazy and all and I'm sorry and *mumble mumble* *Ahsoka kisses Connor, Connor's face turns red*

Connor: ! SSSSMOKIN'!!!!!!!!

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