Revenge of the Binks

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*Connor and Light are both drinking Snapple at a counter, Light really needs to shave*

Light: I swear, that gungan is just some big dumb–

Connor: okay you've obviously had too much.

Light: what no Im fine. *falls over*

Connor: huh. *looks over and sees Jar Jar at the counter*

Connor: well what happened to you?

Darth Jar Jar: misa changed her mind. She doesn't want to marry meesa anymore.

Light: wha? Aw HELL yeah! Misa come back! *runs off*

Connor: I am never letting him drink Snapple again. So anyway what happened?

Darth Jar Jar: she saidsa she wasa no wanting to rulesa the galaxy.

Connor: mmhmm. Well at least im aloud to get rid of you now. *turns on lightsaber*

Darth Jar Jar: yoosa mooey mooey silly if yoosa think yoosa can beat meesa. *turns on lightsaber* yoosa in big Doo Doo now!

*lightsabers clash*

Connor: I never liked you. I thought you were annoying AF! At least now I can get rid of you!

Darth Jar Jar: yousa feeble power issa no match for desa  power of  Desa  darka side!

Connor: I don't think so! *cuts jar jar in half*

Darth Jar Jar: uh oh. Dissa no look good. Bye bye *dies*

Connor: so glad he's gone.

You know, I almost considered taking out this chapter. Oh well.

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