Debate Show part 2

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*in the news studio, Cornelius and Hot Dog still have bars of soap in their mouths*

Connor: welcome back to No, You Shut Up! Seeing as how our two muppets have some vulgar language, our next topic is actually on the more adult Muppet productions, which are labeled under the Jim Henson studio's banner, Henson Alternative. What do you guys think of them? L, let's start with you

L: well Connor, I know that for years the Muppets have been a family friendly franchise. So, this is a step up. I also know that Jim Henson would be so proud, and a lot of the staff would be so fired.

Connor: okay. But what about the quality of the programs?

L: I will say, the ones that you showed us during the break were quite hilarious, especially the one this chapter arc is based on

4th wall: hey! Only one man is allowed to break me, and that's Connor! ....And Deadpool....

Connor: thank you L. Light, what about you?

Light: they're trash! Trash I tell you! The Muppets are supposed to be for families, not this potty mouthed, risqué dialouged  crap!

Hot Dog: Hey! You take that back now, you overgrown lemur-faced son of a *bleep*

Cornelius: Connor, i think the real question to be asking here is "can I eat your face?"

Connor: no.

Cornelius: the correct answer is yes.

Connor: there's no correct answer! You're not eating face!

Cornelius: yes I am.

Connor: can I at least ask you not to eat my face?

Cornelius: yes, go ahead.

Connor: can you please not eat my face?

Cornelius: No, i'm going to do it.

Connor: no you're not. Anyway, so–

Hot dog: actually I want to say something. I'm a model/actor, and i know that they're doing an American Death Note movie–

Connor: *sigh* and now not only is he making this about himself, but  he's broken the 4th wall. Thats my job.

Hot Dog: and I would just like to cast myself as that emo detective guy, what's his name...R?

L: !😳

Hot Dog: or was it J?


Hot Dog: F? C? ....

L: IT'S–

Hot Dog: ...4?


Hot Dog: I don't remember his name.

L: It's L! L!!!!!

Light: wait, why would you want to be L? you should be me. Not only am I the lead character, but I'm also quite handsome and destined to become god of the new world.

L: *mumbling*yes you keep telling yourself that, potato chip boy


L: nothing.

*Everyone continues arguing*

Connor: well with that, it's time for our lunch break. Stay tuned, we'll be right back.

To be continued

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