Im not trying to copy space jam

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Last time, Connor and L had just gotten a team of super heroes to fight against light and decide Captain America's fate. They got Spider-man (Miles Morales), Thor (the girl one), Quicksilver, Wolverine, Captain Marvel, the Vision, and the other Captain America that used to be Falcon. At the last second, Connor decided that rather than battle over Cap's fate, everyone would just play a game of basketball. Now, it's 10 minutes till game time and everyone is preparing in the locker room*

*montage to the tune of this song:

*montage has Deadpool moonwalking while dribbling a basketball, then Wolverine scarfing down a water bottle then growling with his claws out, then Spider-man does a back flip and kicks a punching bag, Thor is reading a how to play basketball manual, Quicksilver runs around, then Connor walks in*

Connor: we ready?

Everyone: yeah!

Connor: any questions?

*Deadpool raises hand*

Deadpool: yes, uh, you do realize this chapter  is exactly like the movie space jam right?

Connor: no it's not

Deadpool: really? Cmon, you got a bunch of fictional characters to play basketball together.

Connor: so?

Spider-man: he's right. I mean, I don't know about the "fictional" part

Deadpool: 4th wall moment. Sorry

Thor: 'tis this "fourth wall" thou speaketh of? Soundeth like dark magic!

Deadpool: naw disney princess, it's fine

Connor: listen this is nothing like space jam. In space jam there was the looney tunes and besides that they were playing basketball to avoid being kidnapped and turned into slaves. We're trying to save Captain America.

Deadpool: yes but space jam was also fiction like this chapter is

Connor: yeah well we also don't have a celebrity basketball player on our team

Spider-man: I like Space Jam.

Deadpool: me too



Connor: look, it doesn't matter if this seems similar to something, we're doing this to save a friend!

Deadpool: who is not really on our side anymore


Deadpool: you sure cause he just battled me the other day

Connor: Pool, there isn't a single super hero who hasn't picked a fight with you at some point

Deadpool: good point. They're just jealous that they're not as cool as I am

Connor: uh....sure.... Anyway, lets get out there and win!

Everyone: yeah!

Yeah i know the chapter is not exactly my best one, but i've had writer's block for a little while. Plus I just bought myself a laptop yesterday so yeah.

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