Cinematic Survival Adventure part 2

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Task Force HQ was destroyed by a massive earthquake called The End that is shaking the world. But Connor knows of a spot that The End stops at and now the task force is journeying to find it. Now, they've run into the mysterious barber Sweeney Todd...

Matsuda: wait a minute! Who's Sweeney Todd?

Connor: the star of the 2007 movie Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street starring Johnny Depp.

Light: well whatever, I could use a shave anyway.

Sweeney Todd: very well, sit down and i will give you a shave, sir.

Connor: Light, I'm not sure you want to do this–

Light: also, sir, who's your tailor? I like your outfit.

Sweeney Todd: I get all of my clothing from that shop across the street *points to shop called Ye Olde Hot Topic* now then, how about that shave? *Takes out razor, starts shaving Light's chin*

Light: see Connor, there was nothing to be afraid of! You were overreacting for nothing!

Connor: shut up Kira! *Takes out screwdriver*

Sweeney Todd: *quickly snatches screwdriver from Connor and stabs Light with it*

Everyone: !!!

Sweeney Todd: *steps on foot pedal that tips the chair that Light is in over and Light is dumped into a secret trap door*

L: you just--

Sweeney Todd: who's next?

Matsuda: n-n-no thanks we're good

*Everyone starts backing away*

Sweeney Todd: oh come now, everyone needs a shave now and then

Connor: Run!

*Everyone runs out of the room and back to the pie shop downstairs*

L: what happens now? What happens to Light?

Connor: I think we're looking at it!

*Points to freshly cooked meat pie*

Everyone: AAAA!!!!!

Matsuda: what do we do now?!

*Everyone except Connor is freaking out*

Connor: *slowly grins*

Light: *walks out of room* still alive!

Connor: dang!

Sweeney Todd: *locks the door* looks like it's just us now! Now who needs a shave?

Connor: Oh no you don't!

Sweeney Todd: tell you what: you and i have a competition. We each compete to shave someone, and whoever gives them the fastest shave wins. If you win, you and your friends get to leave. But if I win, I kill you all.

Connor: deal.

*Soon everyone is back in the barber shop. There are two people who are being prepared to have their face shaved.*

Sweeney Todd: *takes out shaving razor*

Connor: *takes out lightsaber shaving razor*

Sweeney Todd: on your mark, get set...GO!

Connor: done.

Sweeney Todd: what?!

*Connor is actually done. The man he shaved gives him $10*

Sweeney Todd: but--but--

*The ground starts rumbling*

Ahsoka: uh oh. Here we go again

Connor: everybody out! *Everyone runs out*

L: Connor, do you know just where The End is going to stop?

Connor: I have some vague idea.

L: well let's hope you know what you are doing.

Connor: don't worry, it's going to be okay!

Light: you know, this is starting to sound a little bit like the movie The Croods.

Connor: well this IS the same earthquake from The Croods. Remember, I accidentally made all fictional movies real, so The Croods actually happened!

Light: this is making my brain hurt.

Connor: come on. *They leave the victorian age London*

Sweeney Todd: *as they leave* you can't escape from me. No one bests Sweeney Todd. *Starts to follow them*

To be continued

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