The Task Force v. Smosh

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Hey there. This is the last Prince song I will be posting. It is pretty much his best one: purple rain. I couldn't find one that had the whole song unfortunately. Tell me if you like it
Update December 3 2016: the video must have been taken down from YouTube

Judge Judy: the task force vs smash is now in session

Smosh: it's Smosh your honor

Connor: sorry. Autocorrect where's our lawyer?

Lawyer: *crashes into a wall* sorry I'm blind. I'm Matthew Murdock.

Connor: daredevil?!

Murdock: shhh!! I don't want anyone to know my identity

Connor: I was whispering

Murdock: oh. Sorry. Acute senses and all made my hearing better.

Connor: sokay bro

Judge Judy: mr. Murdock, would you like to make your opening statement?

Murdock: nah I'd rather be out fighting cri–I mean yes. This young man, Connor. Inspired to write something great.

Raoeey: then nearly killed by the writer who inspired him

Murdock: right. Anyway he occasionally hits a block. So he takes something else he loves–

Anthony from Smosh: and completely copies it. By the way, how's beyond birthday? Has he recovered from his bullet wounds given to him by OUR COP?

Connor: at least in that one I included a video with him!

Ian from Smosh: Bulls***! *shoots Connor*

Light: you two aren't exactly innocent either! When you did that Death Note vid you stole my catchphrase, "!!" and my beautiful red eyes!

Ian: at least I actually managed to kill all the criminals, mr imagaY.

Light: why you *tackles Ian and they get in a fist fight *

Judge Judy: Order! Order in the court! Smosh where is your lawyer?

Anthony: uh... Let me go get him. *walks away. Comes back dressed as lawyer* here I am

Connor: Objection! Your honor, that's just Anthony dressed up as a lawyer!

Anthony: I'm not Anthony Padilla

Connor: I didn't even say Padilla!

Anthony: uhh....we would like to make our opening statement.

Real Anthony: *walks out* oh there he is. He beat me back*

Anthony lawyer: told ya

Connor:😡 oh for the love of–

To be continued

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