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Previously on What Happens When Fanboys And Death Note Mix:
The task force was doing a chat room conversation, which they often did in this story's inspiration, What Happens When Fangirls and Death Note Mix.

4th wall: stop breaking me!

Shut up fourth wall or I'll sic Deadpool on you!
Anyway, when they entered the chat room, they found that their usernames were hacked into! It is revealed that their old friend, Raoeey has returned...

L: so Raoeey how did you get here?

Raoeey: I apparated.

L: ah.

Raoeey: I had heard that someone by the name of "Keybladeking" was going to try and do something similar to my story. So I decided to come here and kill him.

Connor: !

Connor: uhhhh...Keybladeking? Who's that? I've never heard of him.

Raoeey: my sources say that he is one of you guys. I hope he's not you, Lawlipops.

L: *blushes*

Connor: uh yeah. One of us. Yeah. Still never heard of him. Maybe you should ask one of his 12 or 13 followers on wattpad.

Everyone: !!!

Connor: aaaand I just gave myself away didn't I?

Raoeey: yep.

Connor: welll will you look at the time. It's been a good day and all but I gotta go home and uh.... Water my fish and feed my plant. Yeah that's it.

Raoeey: yeah I don't think so.

*prepares a kamehameha.*

Connor: Hey look! It's the Smiling Titan! Everybody run!!!!

*makes a run for it*

To be continued...

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