Chapter 2: Beautiful Hazel Eyes

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Melanie's P.O.V:

"Aren't you going to park the car?" Lottie asks Louis, as soon as we reach the parking lot of our school. We look around the parking lot to find any free space, but couldn't, so he suggests Lottie and I to go inside, while he'll tries to find an empty space.

We agree and begin to get out of the car when he calls out my name stopping me.

"Mel?" He says, looking at me through the front mirror. I look up at him, biting my lip.


"I like that look on your face." He says, smiling at me, making me confused as I narrow my eye brows at him.

"Which look?" Lottie and I ask him in unison.

"The look of horror." He says, laughing, making me roll my eyes at him and earning a chuckle from Lottie.

"One thing for sure, I won't let anyone pull pranks on you.." He says, smiling towards me. You're not that sweet, Tomlinson. Something might be fishy.

"Before me." He completes his sentence, giving me an evil grin.


I groan and step out of the car along with Lottie. We head towards the enterance of the school building, when Louis yells my name from behind, stopping me in my tracks.


With an annoyed and pissed off expression, I turn around,
"Yes, Louis?"

"Uhh, You look beautiful today." He compliments, smiling towards me as he nervously rubs the back of his neck.

"Umm, thanks." I reply, feeling my cheeks heat up. I bite my lips and try to hide my blush from him as he smiles at me before leaving. I turn around when I hear Lottie fake cough, catching my attention. I quickly straighten up and run my tongue inside my cheek, titlting my head to the side.

"What?" I ask her, when I catch her giving me goofy smiles, along with a wink.

"You're blushing." She says in a sing song tone, smirking at me. I hate it when I'm blushing and someone catches me.

"No, I'm not." I lie, shrugging my shoulders.

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"Yeah, okay, enough." I say, waving her off, and giving in.

"Ahaha.. let's go inside." She laughs, walking ahead of me. The wave of nervousness comes back rushing to me. I don't reply to her, but stare at the hallway in front of us filled with loads of kids.

"Mel, let's go?" She stops and turns around to look at me, when she notices that I'm stuck at the same place.

"Melanie, lets go!" She repeats, walking back to me. I pout and exchange glances between her and the hallway filled with bunch of kids.


"No." She shakes her head and pushes me inside and I being clumsy, lose my balance. The next thing I know, I am on the floor.

Wait-I'll correct. The next thing I know, I am on top of someone and we both are on the floor. Also, that someone is none other than, Zayn Malik.

Kill me.

I want to stab myself for being so clumsy. I gulp, and curse under my breath, when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I keep my eyes shut, and lift my head up to look at Lottie, who's face is covered with both of her hands. I glare at her, slowly shifting my gaze at the figure under me, our faces only inches apart. Our hearts racing as I lock my gaze with him. He stares at me quietly, with an unreadable expression on his face, his beautiful hazel eyes lingering on me.

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