Chapter 47: Don't Smoke.

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Melanie's P.O.V:

I groan and open my eyes due to unbearable pain erupting in my stomach and turn over on my bed, when I find the space beside me empty.

I narrow my eye brows in confusion and look around for Zayn, finding him nowhere. In the mean time, my alarm starts ringing and I dismiss it, getting up from the bed.

He left without even saying anything. Or was it just a dream? But I'm sure it wasn't a dream because every moment felt real with him. I take a deep breathe and head to my toilet, getting ready for school.

I walk in my crowded hallway, feeling dizzy and my stomach doing back flips is also not helping. I clench my jaw as another jolt of pain rises in my stomach. A few seconds later, it gets alright, and I concentrate on the hallway.

As I keep walking, I feel somone come near me. Then a soft material is placed on my back. I am about to turn and see what he or she wants, when I hear a girlish voice.

"Run to the toilet, now!" I hear her whisper in my ear. I curse under my breath and realize what might have happened.

I turn around to find a very glistening pair of hazel eyes. A very fair and gorgeous girl stands behind me as her mid length brown hair fall on her shoulders. She smiles and points towards the toilet.

"Okay, thank you!" I squeal and run to the toilet of our school.

After working my way through the dreadful minutes of washing away the terror, I finally make my way outside the toilet. I begin to head towards my history class when I bump into someone and that person's books fall.

"I'm sorry," I say, bending down and picking up their books.

"Oh hey, it's fine." I hear the same voice again. I stand up and see the brunette again in front of me, standing next to a gorgeous girl with green eyes and brown hair as well.

"Hey, thank you for earlier. I'm Melanie Philips." I smile at her and stick out my hand, as we shake our hands.

"No need to thank. I'm Eleanor Calder and this is my friend Sophia Smith." She smiles at me and I shake Sophia's hand as well.

"You two seem new here?" I say and they smile, nodding their heads.

"Yeah, we just joined yesterday." Eleanor speaks in her calm and sweet voice.

"Nerdy, class is about to start!" I hear Zayn say from behind me and I clench my jaw. At least he should not call me that when I'm standing with other people.

"Um..I'll see you guys around, I gotta go or otherwise I'll get late." I say, nervously laughing and getting embarrassed because of Zayn.

"Sure, see you around, Melanie." Sophia says and they walk away from me. I turn around and glare at Zayn.

"Could you at least not call me Nerdy in front of other people?" I groan and he laughs, winking at me. We walk to History together and settle on our usual back seats.

"Better not come to my house tonight." I warn him and he chuckles, randomly turning the pages of his book.

"I'll come at evening," he says and I give out a loud groan.

"Whyyyyy?" I whine in a dramatic way.

"You have to help me with school work, you were the one who volunteered." He says having a smirk on his lips. I sigh and nod.

I take out my phone from my bag and text Louis.

To Lou:
I hate your best friend. :/

His Sister's Best Friend (ZM/LT)[COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora