Chapter 25: My Nerd.

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I am back and so is HSB, with a new cover. Is anyone still here to read it?

Melanie's P.O.V:

I was laying on my bed staring blankly at the ceiling. After I talked to Nolan that day, it made me really scared because of my behavior with him. I don't know what he'll do as I'm almost alone right now and he seems to be keeping a check on me. Other than that I'm thinking of Zayn, because of me he's missing all of his classes and his studies are being effected. I don't know what aunt Trisha will think of me when she gets to know that Zayn is suspended because of me, like Waliyha said that she doesn't know about it yet. Also I feel like punching myself for not giving Louis a proper answer and that I've been avoiding him for the past three days. I'm not sure of what I'm doing. At one point, I just want to say 'Yes' to him and to have someone right here with me, to make me feel loved, to care for me, to make me laugh, to be with me in my sorrows and happiness. But then, I want to be alone, away from everyone and everything, just leave and never come back, never.

I got up from my bed and walked towards my drawer to take out my notebook to do English's home work, when my eyes landed on a journal, my journal. I was surprised to find it after a long time. I held it in my hands and walked towards my bed. I sat there resting my back on my headboard and began to turn the pages, the last page was written three years ago.

Three years ago my journal was the only one which knew about my feelings, I used to write everything in it as I didn't tell anyone what was happening in my life. It's just that Waliyha, Lottie and Hazel saw me crying and depressed every time, so they finally confronted me about it and I had no choice rather than breaking down in front of them, I didn't want to, but I somehow did. But they still don't know that Suzane was my best friend.

I was turning the pages of my journal, when something fell from one of the pages. I bent down to pick it, and when I looked at it, it bought everything back, every memory, every pain.

It was a picture of I and Aiden from our old days. I began to stare at it for a long time and didn't even notice my tears falling on it. It's hard to admit, that even after everything, I miss him, I really do. We had been together for such a long time. Everyone believed that one day we'll grow up and marry each other, I know it sounds cliche but that's how we were, in love, or maybe only I was.

Few minutes later, I heard my door bell ring, breaking my thoughts. I ignored it, thinking my sister will get it. Most of the times it was just me and my sister at home, alone. My mum and dad were too busy in their jobs and when they come back home, all they have to do is scream at each other, throw and break things in anger. It used to scare me a lot when I was a kid, but now I'm used to it.

The bell rung again, making me still ignore it.

When it rang for the third time, I groaned, closing my journal and got up from the bed.

"Sam where are you? Someone's on the door!" I yelled, peeking through my bedroom door.

"MEL, JUST GO AND GET IT! I'M GOING FOR THE SHOWER!" She yelled back, a little bit angrily.

I sighed and went downstairs, limping towards the door. I hope my ankle gets better, I'm seriously tired of walking like this.

I kept on praying inside my head, that it's not Nolan.

My sister is in the shower, my mum and dad aren't here and if he comes now, he can do anything.

"Please don't be Nolan. Please don't be Nolan. Please don't be Nolan" I kept muttering it to myself.

I slowly opened the door, struggling to decide whether I should or not. But I did.

"Thank God," I slowly sighed in relieve when I saw Zayn standing on my doorway.

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