Chapter 54: More Than This.

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Zayn's P.O.V:

It's been two weeks, and she still hasn't gotten her memories back. I miss her, I miss us. Although, there was never 'us'. She and Louis had been going on dates lately, so that she can know him better. She seems happy with him, and so does he. Let's just say that the torture is back again. I don't want to steal my best friend's girlfriend, but I can't stop loving her. Everything she does, makes me want to love her more. But only if she knew my feelings for her.

"You got an 'A'. Are you sure you did it all by yourself?" Mr. O'Brien glares at me through his glasses.

I roll my eyes at him, and speak up. "Look, Dad--you got offended last time when I called you, bro, so Dad it is--just because your last name is O'Brien, doesn't mean you try to be cool like Dylan O'Brien, okay?"

"How do you know my son's name?" He looks at me in surprise, making my eyes wide as I stare at him with my jaw almost touching the floor.

"Holy Bananas! Dylan is your son?" I question with amusement. He gives me a weird look and mutters a confused "yeah".

"It's fucking crazy, man!" I shriek, shaking my head in amusement.

"Mind your language and get back to your seat before I fail you in your tests. You're insane." He raises his voice at me, making me mock him. I take my test sheets from his hands and make my way back to my seat. That old bald man got some issues with me. It's not like I stole his hair or something.

Melanie looks pretty much lost in her test results, she isn't even looking up at me or anyone. I toss my result on her desk and she lifts her head up, giving me a confused look.

"A," I smirk and she smiles, focussing back on her test results. I give her a weird look, before snatching her result from her hands. "I got an 'A'." I repeat.

"That's good, congrats. Can I have my papers back now?" She says, with a not-so-interested look plastered all over her face.

"Someone had a bet with me, if I get an 'A', then she will do anything I say." Woah! That rhymed. I try to give her a hint. The hell, why am I even trying? She doesn't remember the bet. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to let her go, I mean I worked hard because of this bet.

"Good," she mumbles, with her head bowed down and eyes locked on her result. Why is she even staring at that thing for so long? She got an 'A' as well, she should be happy rather than sitting beside me like a dead person.

"Look, Nerd, we had a bet, so now you gotta do whatever I say." I say, and she looks at me in confusion. She points to herself and I nod, with a smirk.

"I don't even remember such thing, what if you're making this up on your own? I'm not doing anything." She says, shaking her head. The bell rings and she gets up from her seat, beginning to leave but I grab her wrist, making her turn around.

"We had a bet, you can't just back away." I say looking at her in disbelief. She rolls her eyes at me and clenches her teeth in annoyance.

"What do I have to do?" She says through clenched teeth.

I smirk at her. "Hmm, that I'll save for later." I say, winking at her, and hear a "Perv," come out from her mouth.

"What perv? I was talking about our history assingments. You got a dirty mind back there, Nerdy." I smirk, at her. She looks at me in shock before shaking her head, vigorously.

"I-I- didn't say anything." She says, with her eyes wide open.

"Oh you didn't. But I know what you're thinking right now. We can piss off the neighbours if you want, though." I tease her, smirking. Her face starts getting red as she stares at me in shock. It's funny to see her expressions right now.

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