Chapter 43: Hurt.

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When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won't feel right,
'Cause I can love you more than this.

Melanie's P.O.V:

" suits you." He says, and I look up at him, moving the hair strand behind my ear, shyly. It's just a simple compliment, but it still manages to heat up my cheeks and bring butterflies in my stomach.

"Thanks," I say, and he nods, before Niall and Harry join us.

"Someone looks pretty," Harry says, hugging me and I thank him, smiling and engage in a conversation with them.

After two hours of getting tired, I take a seat beside my boyfriend who is drunk, along with the other guys except Zayn. I look at the people dancing in front of us, totally wasted, when I feel a hand pulling me up. I look up at him and he smiles at me.

"Let's go dance, Mel." Louis says, pulling me up and I give him a 'are you serious' look. I shake my head, and he nods, holding me by my waist. From the corner of my eyes, I can feel the hazel eyes burning through us.

"Louis, first of all, I'm wearing heels. Second of all, I don't dance." I say, wrapping my hands around his neck but he laughs at me, dragging me to the dance floor. I begin to run, yes, run away from there but he grabs me by my waist, and stops me.

"Please?" He begs for me to dance with him and after a while, I agree after his continous pleads.

"Be careful because I'm wearing heels." I warn him and he chuckles, placing both of his hands on my waist and moves forward, giving me a kiss on my lips. His breathe smells of alcohol. I pull back and smack him lightly on his head.

"What was that for?" He laughs, being tipsy.

"For being so wasted, who told you to drink so much?" I scold him and he chuckles again. We begin to dance on a slow rhythm, Louis spins me around and I turn my head to notice the hazel eyes still on us. His jaw is clenched and he is continously tapping his feet on the floor, while staring at us from the couch. I turn my head back, when I feel light kisses on my neck. Louis' hands slowly begins to travel under my dress, up and down. I try to move back a little because I feel uncomfortable. When his hands reach my upper thigh, I smack his hand away, feeling more uncomfortable.

"Louis, stop." I say, but he still doesn't stop. I try to remove his hand again, but he grabs my waist tighter, his lips still on my neck. His grip on my waist tightens more, hurting me. He has no idea what he is doing, he is drunk.

"Louis, stop it." I slightly raise my voice, he still ignores me. He might be my boyfriend, but I'm not comfortable with what he is doing.

"Louis, I said stop it!" My voice is louder than before, which makes few drunk heads snap in our direction. He pulls back from me and stares at me in anger.

"God damn, Melanie what's the matter with you?!" He yells at me, making me flinch in horror. His eyes full of lust and anger. He pushes me away and I stumble because of my heels, before I can hit the floor, two arms catch me. As soon as I notice what is going on, tears begin to fill my eyes and I look up at the hazel eyes, his hands wrapped around me. He pulls me up and stares at Louis, angrily.

"What's wrong with you, man?" Zayn raises his voice at Louis. Louis glances at him and steps away from Zayn, fuming with anger and holds my wrist tightly, pulling me towards him.

"Fu*ck off Zayn, it's between her and I!" Louis yells at him, tightening his grip around my wrist. I see Zayn clenching his jaw in anger, and his hand balls into fists. His eyes travel to mine and I shake my head, with tears filling my eyes and mouth a 'no' to him. He takes a deep breathe before shifting his gaze towards Louis.

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