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This is not a chapter. Will update as soon as I get time for the people who still decide to stick by HSB (Is there anyone?).

So, I've been getting a lot of messages and I see a lot of messages on people's profile which make me very sad (No offence to anyone). Each one of us has problems, but that doesn't mean we have to end our lives to end our problems. All of us are sent here for a purpose (Not Justin Bieber's album. Sorry I couldn't control myself). So find that purpose, rather than being a coward and ending it all. Self harm, suicides, stress, depressed books, depressed qoutes, depressed music, depressed movies, nothing would help it. I know that saying is easy, but doing it is difficult. But just trust yourself for once, believe in yourself, have confidence, have faith, and I know, you'll achieve success. Don't make self harm and suicides your only way of escape. If you're depressed and stressed because of someone, trust me they don't deserve it. They don't deserve any tear you shed. Because if they cared about you, they wouldn't have become the reason of your tears. If you're looking for a hero, then go and stand in front of a mirror. YOU are your hero. No one except YOU is going to save yourself. YOU are brave enough to fight any obstacle in your life. YOU got to stand against the bullies. Each one of YOU is beautiful; beautiful and talented in your own ways. Just be YOURSELF. If you start believing in yourself, and think that "Yeah, I can do it." Then trust me, you can do it. Don't let the haters, bullies or anyone get to you. If you're not good at writing, then you might be good at singing, drawing, dancing, poetry, cooking, it can be anything. But don't stop believing in yourself. (Yeah I know I use the word 'Believe' a lot. #ObsessedWithJustinBieber'sBelieveAlbum). I'm sorry, whenever I try to be serious, I end up saying or writing something stupid. But Hey! I'm Crazy and I'm proud of it. You got to be proud of who YOU are. No one is perfect, not me, not your idol, not anyone. (But Harry Says, 'Baby Im perfect for you'.) But let's just be honest here, you must have a talent or anything special, which your idol must not have. You could be best at something, than the rest of us. That is what makes you, YOU. Different and unique from everyone else out there. If everyone had same qualities and talents, then no one would be 'Special' for us. Never give up on something which you really want. Follow your dreams. Don't expect from other people because expectations screw you. YOU have to stand up for your own selves and make your dreams come true. Supporters come and go, at one point they support you, and at the other point they crash you down. Be your own supporter so that you won't need anyone else. Also, enjoy the roller coaster that is called life (Says the person who is afraid of heights *High Five*).

Be strong.

I trust YOU and love YOU. So, YOU should also trust and love YOURSELF (My mama don't like you and she likes everyone #JB).

Cause everything starts from something,
But something would be nothing.
Nothing if your heart didn't dream with me,
Where would I be, if you didn't believe.

I'd tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out,
Talk a bit louder, be a bit prouder,
Tell her she's beautiful, wonderful,
Everything she doesn't see,

You gotta speak up, you gotta shout out,
And know that right here, right now,
You can be beautiful, wonderful,
Anything you wanna be,


Did anyone sleep while reading it? Hey! It was not that boring. :/

You guys still want me to update HSB? Nah? Okay. :/ Kidding, Kidding. I'll update 'IF' you guys actually wanna read it. Nah, I'll update it anyways. I'll just update. And yeah, Update. #IShouldShutUp #ImJustBlabbingLikeMelanie

If you guys are still reading this message, YOU GUYS ARE SERIOUSLY THE BEST. How do you tolerate me? Just because you want HSB updates. :'(
#KiddingButNotKidding #ImActuallyKidding. 100% of people would be banging their heads on the wall after reading this message.

Did you guys read chapter 48?

Oh yeah, there is 1D fanfic awards going on, hosted by my friend zlhln_1d. Go and enter your books in that contest. I wish you guys all the best. :)

You guys can always PM me. I'll reply once Im active on wattpad again.

Stay safe and blessed. Keep smiling 'cause it looks best on you. :)

Love y'all and Zayn a lot. (I mean it)

Thanks for reading it. xx

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