Chapter 4: Pranks.

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Louis' P.O.V:

I don't know what's the problem between Zayn and Melanie. They keep on fighting and arguing every time.

She's a pretty girl, I wonder why Zayn hates her. She's sweet and beautiful. To be honest, I haven't met someone more beautiful than her.

I like the way she gets nervous at small things and the way she gets angry, the way she smiles, the way she talks, the way her eyes sparkle when she laughs, the way she would continuously keep on talking about her celebrity crush, the way she gets shy all the time, the way she understands and cares for everyone and the way she obsesses over her favourite books and TV Series.

My thoughts are interupted when Zayn nudges my shoulder to get my attention.

After telling them that I have plans for the juniors, we leave to pull our first prank. We start from my sister, I know it's really bad that I'm bullying my own sister, but that's what sisters and brothers do, also that she's my junior, so yeah, she's the first victim.

My sister being dumb, doesn't remember the most important thing which is the tag number of her car's license plate. So, I and the other lads are taking advantage of it and we are taking out the license plates of at least thirty juniors and hanging all of them, in the soccer field. So for those kids who don't know their tag numbers, which includes my sister too, will be in great difficulty to find their license plates.

After doing this we place sticky notes on their cars saying;

Go find your license plates :p

Just as Zayn, Niall and I finish our work, Liam and Harry walk over to us, informing us that their task is done as well.

"Is everything set in the computer lab?" I ask them as soon as they join us.

"Yeah, Everything's set." Liam answers, smirking.

"Okay, let's go and see who's gonna come to the computer lab in the third period." Zayn says and we nod, quickly leaving for the computer lab.


Melanie's P.O.V:

The second class ends, which was English. Waliyha, Lottie and I were together in English. Louis' and Harry's name was also called out during the attendence, but they weren't in the class. I wonder what they're upto.

It is our third period now, which is a free period for Waliyha, Lottie and I, so we decide to go to computer lab in order to do searching related to some poets as it was an assignment given to us in our English class. Soon we reach the empty computer lab and settle next to each other, on each desk.

Turning on the computer, we start using it, but the only problem which occurs is, that I'm clicking on something to open, but it is opening something else. I narrow my eye brows in confusion, when finally the internet browser emerges on the screen, and I try to type something to search, but it types something else, making me more confused.

"What's the problem with this?" Waliyha, Lottie and I groan in unison, and turn our heads to look at each other in confusion. I give them a confusing look and they inform me that their computers aren't working properly.

"You're typing something, and it's typing something else, you're opening something and its opening something else? Is this happening to you?" I ask them, and they nod, staring at me in confusion, asking how do I know that.

"Same thing is happening with me, I was typing Shakespeare and it was typing William Wordsworth." I say, biting my lips, and looking at them.

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