Chapter 15: Niall The Trainer?

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Zayn's P.O.V:

"Melanie, what the fuck is wrong with you? He has been abusing you and yet you're still caring for this moron?!" I yell at her, when she drops her hands from my arms, and frustratingly tugs her hair.

"I don't want him to get killed and you to get suspended! Stop it please!" She yells, crying, making me look at her as I stop kicking Nolan.

"Screw you Melanie." Nolan spits.

He should assume himself dead by now. I turn around to collide my fist with his face again, but Melanie grabs my arm, making me stop and look at her. She shakes her head with tears continuously falling from her eyes, causing me to sigh and grab her hand, locking my fingers with hers as I pass Nolan a glare and walk away from my class with Melanie, as my teacher keeps on yelling in the back.

"Mr.Malik stay where you are! Where do you think you're going?" My teacher scolds me but I ignore her and the rest of my class mates, marching out of the class fuming with anger. While walking beside Melanie, I realize her hands are shaking which makes me tighten my grip on it as I give it a slight squeez, calming her.

"Zayn, the principal is calling you and Nolan to his office." A brunette guy wearing round glasses informs me, blocking our way.

"I'm not going now." I snap, trying to walk past him, but he again blocks my way, making me irritated.

"Principal's strict orders. He wants you and Nolan to be there in two minutes." He says, adjusting his glasses with the tip of his finger on the bridge of his nose.

"I said, I'm not going now. Don't you understand that?" I raise my voice at him, causing him to gawk at me, as Melanie squeezes my hand, moving me away from him.

"Zayn go," Melanie tells me, but I shake my head, with my eyes still fixed on the brunette guy.

"Zayn go," she raises her voice getting annoyed as she pulls away her hand from mine.

"Why should I listen to you?" I snap at her in annoyance, rolling my eyes as I lean my back against the wall, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because to clean the mess you've created, you have to listen to me." She orders, as I again roll my eyes at her, glaring at the brunette guy standing in front of me.

"I didn't do it purposely." I snap, when she asks me why did I even do it in the first place, making me bite my lip and give out a heavy sigh.

"Because he abused you." I answer, causing her to purse her lips as she goes quiet and gives out a sigh, fiddling with her fingers and staring below, as I watch her quietly.

"Why did it bother you? I'm not one of your favourite people." She speaks up in a low tone, still staring at the ground and fiddling with her fingers

"I...I..uh, don't know. I just didn't like it." I begin to stutter, causing her to lift up her head slightly, as she stares in my eyes with an unreadable expression.

"Zayn, the principal is waiting." The brunette guy again speaks up, catching mine and Melanie's attention as I give out a sigh and look at him, before Melanie pushes me forward and tells me to go to the principal's office, and I nod.

I know I'm in trouble, but to be honest, I don't care.

I start walking towards the Principal's office, when I turn around to glance at Melanie for one last time, and find her wiping her tears, looking down at the floor, making me sigh as I turn back and continue to head to the Principal's office.

As soon as I reach his office, I find him sitting on his chair, tapping his fingers on his desk with his lips pursed and a pissed off expression all over his face. His eyes soon lift up as he stares at me, before asking about Nolan, and the brunette guy which was following me the whole way, informs Mr. Benson that Nolan is in the medical room. Mr. Benson nods and asks the brunette guy to leave as he wants to talk to me, and the guy follows his orders, leaving me and the principal alone in the room, with dead silence all over the place, making me bite my lip as I stare at my principal without a look of guilt on my face.

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