Chapter 4- Someone's gotta pay

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After explaining the reason for the bandage wrapped around my head, twice to my parents, they decided to take me over to Flynn's house.

My mother grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the door. "I never liked Bernice,"she opened it,"and that little pack of demons she calls her sons-"

"Remind me again why you were on the baseball field in the first place,"my dad furrowed his brow and rubbed his chin.

"I can't remember,"I tried pulling my arm away.

"He hit her that hard, Curtis,"my mother argued,"Do you know how much money I can get from Bernice for this?"

"Mom,"I shouted as we walked across the street,"he did it by accident."

"How do we know that for sure?"

My mother and Flynn's weren't really...the best of buddies, while my dad and Flynn's were....the best of buddies. I think that's the reason she hates my family, except me. I think she uses me to get on my mom's nerves.

My mother knocked on the door, and Ms. Friday immediately answered it. "Margaret,"she squinted at mom.

"Bernice,"my mother glared back.

"Hi, Mr. Branson,"Flynn waved at my dad.

"Hello, Flynn,"my dad smiled at him.

He looked at me.

I quickly looked away, hoping he wouldn't give me the look of betrayal again.

"I knew you were coming,"Ms. Friday looked at me. "Flynn told me everything. You know he didn't do it on purpose, right darling?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but my mother butt in before me.

"Bernice, your little devil hit my angel in her head with a bat and you're focusing on if it was done on purpose or not? You better focus on my medical bill-"

"What?,"Ms. Friday giggled and looked at her nails," Are you going to take me to Judge Judy?"

"Of course not. We can handle this like normal people."

"You're going to have to take me to court."

"Like your ex husband?"

Friday froze. She stared my mother straight in the eyes and then slammed the door in our faces.

My mother put her hand on her chest and let out a gasp.

We turned around and began to walk away, but I couldn't help but look back.

Flynn opened the door. He pointed at me, signaling me to come.

I watched my parents walk into the house, then walked back up the steps. "What do you want?,"I folded my arms.

Flynn walked out on the porch and closed the door behind himself. "What was that all about?"

"You know my mom. She thinks you should pay for this,"I pointed at my head,"literally."

He frowned at me. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. You know what? I'll talk to your mom, okay? I'll figure something out with her, because my mom obviously isn't going to pay for anything."

I nodded,"Okay. Even though she sees you as a demon..she'll probably listen to you."

"Yeah,"Flynn chuckled and scratched his head nervously.

"Okay,"I turned around, about to walk off, but Flynn grabbed my hand. I yanked my hand away. I didn't mean to be...mean, but it was an automatic response.

"I'm..sorry- Uh, how are the way?..We never talked since..elementary school,"he chuckled, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I'm fine,"I smiled, pushing my hand through my hair,"How about you? You've got that whole cool guy thing going well for you. How's life?"

"Great..well, other than the fact that I hit a pretty girl in the head with a baseball bat-"

"Are you hitting on me?"

"Whoa, no. I just-"

"Because I'm not interested in your silly games-"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not one of those stupid girls at school. I'm not gonna fall for your crap-"

"No, Harley. I don't like you..,"he froze,"like that."

"Great,"I started feeling bad. For some reason I wanted him to like me like that. I turned around and started walking down the steps.


I looked at him.

"I really am sorry."

"I know,"I smirked at him and then crossed the street.

I never saw the sweet side of him. He was always a douche. Maybe that was just a mask. Maybe he was really a nice guy.

The Bad Boy Hit Me In The Face With A Baseball Bat (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now