Chapter 84- Neverending Pain

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The grammar might be a little off. Enjoy anyway.

Flynn P.O.V:

I layed on my bed with my phone beside me. The battery was at thirteen percent but I couldn't bring myself to get up. I couldn't move from where I was. The house was so silent that I could hear my own heart beat. My mother was at Harley's and I was hoping she didn't know that.

I listened to her constant sniffles and her groaning over the phone. I cried so much I didn't feel like doing it anymore.

I heard a knock on my door and finally moved, jerking my head towards the tiny sound of the small knocks.

"Flynn?,"I heard Felix's voice.

I looked at my phone then got out of bed and walked towards the door, opening it for my little brother.

He stepped inside. "Mommy left me."

I bent over and picked him up sighing. I was suppose to watch him. I quickly picked up my phone and apologized to Harley, assuring her I would call back later. Thankfully she agreed and hung up the phone on her end.

I sat Felix down on my bed. "I don't have anything up here for you to do. If you want us to go downstairs we can watch TV-"

"It's okay,"he shrugged kicking his feet and staring at them. He had that look in his eyes. The curious, worried look that itched my skin because of how much he resembled his dad.

"Then what do you want to-"

"I hit Susan today,"he stopped swinging his feet and looked at me.

"Why'd you do tha-"

"She didn't want to share her crayons with me."

"That's no reason-"

"And I heard her mommy say that you hurt a girl this morning. Mommy said you did too."

"I didn't hurt-"

"I told mommy what Susan's mommy said and she said that Susan's mommy is a nosy bitch."

"Don't say that Felix. That's a bad word."

"Well, Susan's mommy is a bad person. Bad people get called bad words."

I smiled at him. "Where'd you hear that?"

"From mommy." He started kicking his feet again.

I stared at him and my heart sank. I didn't want my brother hearing these rumors..or following them.

I got down from the bed and stooped down infront of him. "Felix, listen to me." I held his tiny fingers. "Don't listen to the bad things people say about me, okay? They're not true. I would never hit a girl and neither should you. You've never seen me hit anyone-"

"Mrs. Nichole gave me a time out and I heard her tell Susan's mommy that I was following what I saw at home."

I frowned. I couldn't believe that one little lie could do all of this. I knew I couldn't see Harley but I had to get out of the house.

As soon as my mom got back I rushed out before she could say anything. I ignored her shouting and got into the car quickly driving away. I drove and drove blasting rock music and shouting at other cars in road rage.

After an hour and a half, my stomach started grumbling and I realized that I hadn't eaten anything all day.

I dug into my pockets for any loose change then put them together and counted then. Five dollars and sixty-seven cents. I got out of the car and walked toward the supermarket.

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