Chapter 20- The reader

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I sat in the cafeteria with Hayden. He was staring at the food.

"I don't know if I should eat it now and puke it out later or puke now and eat it later,"he crinkled his nose at his cheese burger.

"What?,"I bit into my burger," You don't want it?"

He pushed the tray away. "A salad would've been just fine."

"A salad?,"I giggled. "What are you? Are you a rabbit?"

"I'm vegetarian."

"No, I'm a vegetarian. You're a vege- fanatic. Try the cheese burger, Hayden."

He picked it up. "My father would never approve of me eating this..,"he lifted the top bun," fatty stuff."

"You're dad sounds like my mom. Just take one bite of it. You won't get fat from one bite."

"Now you're tempting me. One bite,"he looked at the sandwich like it was the forbidden fruit. He slowly took a bite of the burger. His eyes grew. "Wow..This is amazing."

"See...Wait, you've never tasted a cheese burger before?"

"I have never tasted cheese before. My family's very health conscious, especially after my mom died from cancer."

I looked at him. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm sorry to say it-"

"Harley,"May rushed over to me and sat down beside me not noticing Hayden. "Everyone's talking about it."

"What's it?"

"You're like the only person the new guy talks to. What's with you and guys these days? It's like you're some type of boy magnet-"

"Hi,"Hayden waved at her.

She jumped when she saw him. "You're even hotter up close-"

"You're hotter close up,"he raised his eyebrows at her.

"Oh my god!,"she squealed.

I shook my head. "Hayden, don't do that."

"Do what?,"he chuckled. "She is pretty."

"Telling her that she is isn't gonna do anything good for you or for me."

He laughed. "Okay,"he bit his bottom lip and stared at me.

I tried not to blush and looked down.

Danny sat next to him and May got up.

I quickly grabbed her arm. "You two need to tell me what's going on between you guys."

May sat back down. "Nothing. Danny, meet Hayden,"she changed the subject.

Danny looked at him. "Hi, I'm Harley's boyfriend."

Hayden's face changed. "H-hi."

"You're names are similar,"Danny looked at me.

"Yeah, Flynn said..that too."

Danny got upset. "I thought you two weren't talking to each other?"

"Why wouldn't we be?"

"Because I told him to stay away from you."

"When he clearly doesn't give a damn about you warning,"Hayden added. "Maybe you should go warn him some more."

"Yeah,"Danny stood up,"I'll go for that." He walked away.

"Why would you do that?,"I looked at Hayden.

"Because I wanted to get rid of him."


"Your best friend has a problem with the guy, you don't trust him and he's five foot nine. If he's smart, he will not fight your friend Flynn."

I squinted at him.

"They fought before,"May looked at him.

"Let me guess, the Flynn guy won."

She nodded.

"Danny probably learned his lesson before. He's just walking off to make it look like he's going to do something. He seems like a sensible guy. He won't do anything stupid. He's probably on his way back over here right now with some excuse."

About five seconds latee, Danny walked back over to our table. "I couldn't find him. But I've gotta go....,"he looked at May,"do something."

May looked pale.

He walked away.

"How'd you know all that stuff?,"I squinted at Hayden.

"I'm good with reading situations and people. You were uncomfortable when he sat at the table and May was running away....,"He looked at May. "You are keeping Danny's secret and it isn't anything that would make Harley happy, is it?"

"I've got something that I need to do,"she got up.

"Excuses, May,"he looked at her with a smile.

She furrowed her brows at him and then rushed off.

"Well, if your fake bad boy demeanor doesn't scare the girls off, your creepy people reading talent will. Tell me something. You haven't ask me about the glasses I've been wearing all day. Why?"

"You've obviously got a black eye. You can see a bit of the bruising under your glasses. I didn't ask you how you got it because most people who come from abusive relationships hide their scars."

"Danny never hit me."

"I never said it was Danny."

"I got his by a door."

"If you say so."

"No,"I took the glasses off with a smile,"I'm serious. You can ask Flynn. He were in the janitor's-Don't ask- and the janitor hit me in the face with the door."

"Wow. Well I don't think you should walk around with those shades on your eyes, because it will give people the wrong idea."

I smiled. "You remind me of myself..You're just better than I am...You know, at observing people."

"So how come you haven't figured me out yet?"

"What do you mean?"

He had a smirk in his face
"You didn't bump into me...I bumped into you."

I smiled and furrowed my brows at him. "What?,"I giggled.

"I saw you coming down the hall with your "boyfriend"," he made the bunny ears with his fingers,"and I thought, "hey, that's a pretty girl." Then you weren't watching where you were going and I took my opportunity,"he sipped his soda. "I thought that if I walked up to you and asked you for help you wouldn't help me. Since you're dressed like you've been cast out of a girl."

"So you're calling me a demon?"

"You are dressed like one. A hot one."

"Wow...All that to talk to me? You're a crazy, manipulative twit,"I giggled.

"I know. That's how I get what I want,"he had a smirk on his face.

So much for calling him sweet.

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