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Jinxx's Pov:

I wake up this morning to see everyone is still asleep. I looked over at Andy and Rain to see them sleeping soundly. I'm kinda hoping that Andy has found someone. I hate seeing him stay alone while the rest of are out on date night.

I get up and decide to make breakfast for everyone. It is already after eight, so by the time I get everything ready the guys might be up.

I am in the middle of making breakfast when Jake and CC appear.  I am surprised to see them up so soon because they normal sleep in a little longer after I get up.

" Morning Jinxx." CC and Jake say.

" Morning guys. Sleep well?"

" Can't complain." CC replies.

" I don't remember anything after my head hit the pillow. I was out of it." Jake says.

" Well I'm glad you slept well. Hopefully once everyone gets up we can eat and get ready to get back on the road. I can't wait to get back home and see Sammi. I miss her a lot."

" Oh man I can't wait to see Grace. I miss her and calling, texting, and Skype aren't helping because I want to see her and hold her in my arms." CC says sighing.

" It's okay man, you will see her later today and you can give her the biggest hug ever." Jake assures CC.

" Thanks man. Sometimes I don't know what I would do without you."

Then all the sudden Ashley comes from the back. I see that he is up and prayed that we didn't wake him up. We know how much he isn't a morning person and how cranky he can be if he is woken up.

" How much longer until breakfast is ready? I'm hungry Mama Jinxx."

" Not much longer. By the way we are going home today."

" Yeah I know. I've been waiting for this day for a while now. I miss Charlie and I don't know about you guys, but I have seemed a little down here lately."

" I noticed you seemed a little down yesterday when you saw how much Andy and Rain were getting along." I tell Ashley.

" And the way you told them to be quiet last night or you would kick the out of the bus was funny, but I could tell you were missing Charlie." Jake tells Ashley.

" What about you Jake? Everyone so far has said they missed their girl...what about you?" CC asks Jake.

" I miss her more than anything in the world. I don't know what I would do without Emily. In fact, I am kinda gonna ask her to marry me when we get back, but I am kinda nervous." Jake tells us guys.

" Dude if you ask her, I'm sure that she will say yes. You guys have been together the longest out of all of us and you really love each other." I tell Jake.

" Thanks man. Now how about some breakfast."

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