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Rain's Pov:

I believe that I am almost in tears along with Rosa and Chloe. Jack is such a kind brother to Vi and I hope he knows that. Crystal and Lucy show up at the same time and while we are waiting for the ladies from the wedding place, Vi and I opened up the gift her sisters got us. Lucy also brings Vi a little something as well.

Vi's sisters have gotten Vi and I matching bracelets that they want us to wear at the wedding and Lucy got Vi a beautiful necklace that she also wants Vi to wear for the wedding. Vi and I thank everyone for the gifts and we get everything ready for when the ladies show up. Today is gonna be perfect and I know it.

Vi's Pov:

It is around ten-thirtyish when the Miss Lovegood and her helpers arrived. The girls and I have got some chairs out so that each of us and the ladies could sit while they are doing our makeup. Miss Lovegood walks in and immediately starts talking and getting us ready.

" Morning Miss Lovegood." I tell her.

" Morning beautiful ladies. We have no time to waste...have you all washed your faces?"

" Um..." we all went.

" March to the bathroom in a single file line...I'm gonna teach you girls some tricks and hacks so you will be ready for whatever happens today and in the future."

We all follow one by one and I start everyone off. Miss Lovegood makes sure that we wash our faces really well, makes us each put on a mask, and moisturizes our faces. We are all having a great time and we are learning so much from her and many of the tricks and hacks some of us knew. After all of our faces are clean and fresh they start getting our makeup on. While we are all sitting there we all have a good conversation.

" Sooo....I know I don't really know all of you ladies that well but everytime I do this for brides and their bridesmaids I bring a little something something for all of them." Miss Lovegood told us.

" Miss Lovegood you didn't have to.."

" No no....shhh....I do this every time...do not ruin my thing."

" Yes ma'am I'm sorry."

" Here you are my bride....open it right now before I move on."

I open the gift to see there is a twenty-five dollar spa certificate and there is a free makeover certificate where I could go and get a makeover and get some free gifts.

" Thank you Miss Lovegood...that is so nice of you to give me."

" Please my darling you will thank me for this soon enough. Now where is the maid of honor?"

" Right here." Rain says as she waves her hand.

" Here you are my darling...open it."

Rain's Pov:

Miss Lovegood hands me the present and I open it. The gift contains a twenty-five dollar spa certificate and the deed to the building.

" Miss Lovegood....this is the deed to the building."

" Yes I know.....I found it and it was left for me and I now give it to you. You can have the building and keep your promise you gave me."

" I know exactly what I'm gonna do with this and you are gonna help me."

" We can talk about it later." she whispers and off she goes giving the bridesmaids their gifts.

All the bridesmaids receive a fifteen dollar spa certificate and a ten dollar gift certificate to get free makeup things. It is really sweet of Miss Lovegood to give us these gifts because normally people like them just come and do their job to get paid.

Miss Lovegood does Vi's makeup since she is however the bride and I get her assistant Foxy. I couldn't help but ask her where I knew her from because I did know her from somewhere.

" Hey Foxy....may I ask you something?"

" What's up girl? You need to get up?"

" No I'm good....thanks though. I was gonna ask you where I knew you from. I knew someone way back when who went by Foxy and I think she was you."

" Yeah we know each other....I was wondering the same thing when you came in the store weeks ago. It bothered me so badly, so I went to my storage room and I looked at all my things from school and all that good stuff when I came across my training things from when I was training to join the police force."

" I remember now....you and I were in the same class."

" Yup...you did better than I did in training."

" Not really I just did my own thing and it got me somewhere."

" Ahhh....so what's happened since then? Did you ever get into the F.B.I like everyone kept saying you did?"

" Yeah I did. I done a few cases while we were training and then joined them after graduation. Then we were working on a case where many teen girls had been kidnapped and killed and that messed me up badly mentally. My boss told me to take a breather and I went on a long "Vacation"...a few weeks ago I went back and opened a case for something that was going on and then I resigned after we closed that case."

" Oh I'm sorry to hear that."

" Please I was done with it anyways. So what about you did you ever get in?"

" Well I did get in after graduation...I was head leader and all that but then while on call I got into a shooting accident and I was told I had to give up my position. I decided I was going to because I had been badly injured. I started looking for another job when I ran into Miss Lovegood. She took me in and gave me a job and I have had this job since."

" I'm sorry to hear that...it must have been hard for you. I know when we were training you took everything seriously."

" It was at first, but, then I said to heck with it."

" Do you mind me asking where you got shot at?"

" No I don't mind. I got shot in the shoulder and in the stomach. I had gotten to the hospital in time where they could take me in and get in all out where I wouldn't be seriously hurt. The doctors told me that it was a miracle that the bullet didn't hit anything so I wasn't injured inside at all."

" That's the worst type of shooting right there. I'm glad you were okay tho."

" So am I...my family on the other hand didn't care too much and I had it with my family. I packed my things and moved out and moved in with my friend. I was looking for a job when I ran into Miss Lovegood and for a week or two things were good but then my friend decided she was gonna head to California and she kicked me out. I went into work the next day with my things...I'm not gonna lie I was really upset and I was crying. Miss Lovegood asked me what happened and I told her everything that had happened to me. I didn't just tell her what had happened with me and my family and with my friend...I told her everything that had happened to me in life...Miss Lovegood told me to get my things, she closed the store early and took me home with her. She gave me a home and she claimed me as her daughter....she's been a better mom to me than my real mom ever was. Sorry I didn't mean to tell you my life story."

" No that's fine...it's a really good story. Maybe sometime we can get together somewhere and you can tell me everything."

" Really? You want to hear my story?"

" It's seems interesting, but something worth hearing."

" Okay...we can decide when to meet later but for now take a look at what I've done so far."

" Foxy...this is amazing! You have a gift."

" Thanks Rain."

Foxy and the ladies finish our makeup around twelveish or so. We decide that it is a little early to head to the church so we all clean up the living room and chill for a little bit. By the time it is twelve-thirty we all eat lunch and then head to the church. Foxy had ridden over with Miss Lovegood so I ask her if she would like to head to the church with me in my car. She says yes and tells Miss Lovegood. All of us bridesmaids and Vi put our dresses in my car and everyone kinda shared cars to get over to the church. We get to the church a little after one and that's when all the real fun began.

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