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Rain's Pov

I walk into the kitchen as Andy follows me. I open the fridge and find the tortilla shells, cheese, pepperoni, peppers, tomato sauce, and onions.

Andy gets out the pans for us to cook the peppers and onions in, while I turn the oven on to preheat.

I find the knives and the cutting board and start to chop the peppers and onions. As I did, Andy comes behind me and hugs me then he starts to kiss my neck.

" Andy, how can I cook dinner if you are kissing my neck?"

" Hmm, I don't know babe. Maybe I could help you with dinner."

" Okay well as soon as I get done cutting these peppers you can put them in the pan and turn up the heat on high and cook them. Then when I get done cutting the onions you can wipe my tears and then cook the onions. While you are doing that I will be getting the tortilla shells ready by putting the sauce and cheese on it, then you will put the peppers and onions on the pizza and then we will put the pepperoni on it and stick it in the oven."

" Yum sounds wonderful babe. Let's do it."

" Tag team on making pizzas is a go."

" What does that mean?"

" That's something that Vi and I say when we are trying to get dinner cooked especially pizzas."

" Ah well let's win this tag team."

Andy's Pov:

I turn on the music and Rain starts dancing. We are making the pizzas and doing a good job if I might say so myself. Then all the sudden Jinxx appears out of nowhere and says:

" What are you doing in my kitchen!?"

" Making pizzas for dinner Jinxxy." Rain told him.

" Okay good cause I didn't want to make anything. I'll clean up the kitchen after we eat."

" Are you sure you want to clean up the kitchen when we are finished?"

" Actually no we are going to trick Ashley and CC into cleaning the kitchen."

" How are you going to do that Jinxx?" Rain asked.

" With my magic beautiful...with my magic." he says walking away.

" Andy I am so glad I met you at Warp Tour and that I am here with you tonight."

" Me too babe....me too."

And with that we finish making the pizzas and dance some more.

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