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Rain's Pov:

Once Vi and Tate leave I calm everyone down and tell them to head to our house for the after party. Andy comes up to me and gives me a hug.

" You look beautiful Rain."

" Thanks Andy! Did you come in your car?"

" All of us guys rode in Jinxx's truck and the girls are gonna meet us over at the house. They were gonna come, but Charlie didn't feel well and the other girls made sure she didn't get sick or anything."

" That's fine babe. Okay well you guys head to the house and then you guys can get ready to play while I settle everyone down and get the food out to everyone."

" Sounds good babe."

Andy and I kiss goodbye and then I get in my car and head to the house. Once I arrive some people had gotten there, but not everyone which is a relief for me.

" Hey Rain baby. Where or what would you like for us to do?"

" Mrs. Walker, once people start arriving I would like for you to tell them to head to the back and find their seat...there will be name cards at the tables. If they have gifts, please tell them to sit it in the living room and head to the back."

" Sounds good sweetie."

" What can I do?"

" Mr. Walker, can you please come and help me get the projector from my room and set up?"

" Yes I can."

" Thank you both so much!"

Mr. Walker and I go to my bedroom and get the projector. By the time we got it to the back, Andy and the guys and my parents had arrived. Andy and my dad come over to help Mr. Walker and I. Jinxx and the guys start setting up everything and my mom is helping Mrs. Walker.

Five minutes later, everyone else had showed up and we get everyone settled. We have everyone there except for the bride and groom. I go into the kitchen and start getting the food ready to hand out.

" Rain?" Are you in here?" Vi whispers.

" Yeah I'm in the kitchen."

" Good...sorry Tate and I didn't get here earlier...we decided to go and sit in a parking lot so everyone could get here and get settled before we arrived."

" That's fine...it actually helped because everyone just arrived five minutes ago."

" Okay....is everyone here?"

" Yeah everyone is here...I'm about to start serving everyone their food but everyone is gonna come in here and get their food by meal choice."

" Sounds good. Tate and I are gonna go sit in my room and chill until everyone has their food and then we will come and sit."

" That's cool with me."

" Oh and I would like for you and Andy to sit with Tate and I."

" Okay I'll tell them."

I finish getting all the food out and then I go outside to Andy.

" Hey is the microphone working?"

" Yup it's working wanna give it a test?"

" Don't mind if do. Testing one two one two. Hello everyone...I wanna thank each of you for coming to Vi and Tate's wedding. Now, I bet all of you are hungry and trust me I know that you would like to get your food, but we are gonna do this a simple way so it's easier for me. I would like for Tate's parents, Violet's parents, and my parents to make their way over to the kitchen and get what you ordered. When they are finish, I will come back and get the next set of people."

" Hey Andy...if you will wait until I get my food that would be great. Violet told me she wanted us to sit with her and Tate."

" Okay babe."

" Oh! Tell the guys to come in and get their food as well."

" The girls are here can they come and get theirs as well?"

" Yes please."

I go inside and make sure that everyone gets their food and drink. I go back out and make the announcement for those who ordered chicken could come get in a line and make their way to the kitchen and get what they ordered. After all the chicken people get out of the kitchen I get Andy to tell those who ordered the steak to come and get it.

Ten to fifteen minutes later everyone had gotten their food and sat down to eat. I go and get Vi and Tate so they could get their food and Andy and I did the same thing.

Twenty minutes later, Andy and the guys had finished eating and get up to perform a few song and so did Pierce the Veil. Black Veil Brides perform Rebel Love Song and Die for You and Pierce the Veil perform Caraphernelia and Bulletproof Love.

Once they are finish performing, I decide as maid of honor it was time for me to do my thing.

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