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 Vi's Pov:

Rain and I are almost finished with her room. All we have left to do is take down her posters and shelves and put in a box. We decide to wait until Tate and Andy get back so they can help us with that.

Next Rain and I make up some more boxes and get all of her bathroom utensils and things in a box. Once we are done with that, we head to my bedroom and start to pack up my room.

" Vi...what do you want me to start on?"

" If you can start on the books and put them in this box and label it...I'll start on the closet and get my clothes out and do like we did in your bedroom."

" Okay Vi. So you and Tate living together..how do you feel about that?"

" I'm excited about it. Yeah sure we might have to get to know and work to create a schedule for us as a married couple but that's one thing that you have to do when you are with someone."

" True. You know I was shocked when Andy asked me to move in."

" Why you guys have been dating for what a month or so now?"

" I don't know why I just was but I was excited."

" What do you think the hardest about living with Andy will be?"

" Um...maybe watching him leave when he goes on tour."

" You get to go with remember."

" Not all the time....I'm gonna be running a business soon so I'm gonna have to stay behind. I won't be without a job...you know I'm not like that."

" Yeah I know."

" What about you...what do you think the hardest thing about living with Tate?"

" Um....I don't know. Oh! I know! The hardest thing about living with Tate will be getting him to eat a little better."

" True. Now that you two are living together you can both eat healthy and be healthier."

" Yeah I'm saying the same thing."

Rain and I talked more about living with the boys when she brought up the topic of the house.

" Vi...what are we gonna do with the house? We have both lived here for like years now and we've had so many good memories here."

" I don't know Rain. I know you had the idea to give the house to my brother but my mom called me last night and we were talking and she brought up the topic of Jack. I asked her what she thought of us giving the house to Jack and she told me he told them that he was happy where he was and he wasn't gonna give it up anytime soon."

" Well darn. I'm not able to let someone we don't know live here."

" I know! This can be the place we come if we need a break from the guys, date nights, movie nights, and holidays!"


" I'm saying Rain! I'm saying!"

" Well yay we don't have to worry about this place as much now."

" True."

After that Rain and I finish packing up my room and then wait for the guys to come. While we are waiting we decide to heat up leftovers from the wedding that way when the guys arrived we could eat.

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